
1735 Results for "solder fume extractor"

  • Breathe-Right

  • So my new laser module produces a lot more smoke, that makes sense since it is much more powerful.  It is possible that I need to up my air assist game, although I did not see significant scorching on the few test cuts that I have done...
  • Prototype #2

  • The second prototype was soldered on a hot plate - maybe it is the reason why the accuracy is worse than for prototype #1, that was hand soldered? Another source of error in this case is the output resistor R29 - its value is 1k in this case and that,...

  • They say necessity is the mother of invention. Have you ever been right in the middle of a project, when you realize that you could hack up a simple tool which would make your current task easier? Maybe it’s a coil winder, or a device to hold .100 headers...
  • Hardware - revision 1

  • The first revision of the IuT voltmeter was built using the Wemos mini prototyping system, in particular D1 mini board and matching shields: dual base, battery shield, protoboard shield.(Note 1: more about Wemos D1 mini shields - at the end of the log...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to the Hack Chat. We're excited to have @Mohit Bhoite | मोहित भोईटे today to talk about his wonderful circuit sculptures. If you haven't seen them, you should check them out at
  • Prototype to Launch

  • Populating (or stuffing) circuit boards can be a messy process. It's fraught with high heat, chemicals and teeny tiny parts. What could go wrong? 😬 In this post, you’re learn how I assembled the first prototypes of the nRF9160 Feather. It's my...
  • 23rd August: Solder solder solder ...

  • When I selected the tiny QFNs for the LDO and the MCU, I imagined it would be hell to solder them correctly. I was sooo wrong ! Check this out: Fig. 1: 3.3V LDO: 2x2mm QFN, with thermal pad. Fig. 2: STM32L072KB: 5x5 mm UFQFPN, with thermal pad.You need...
  • solder-proto

  • UPDATE -- New SOIC-breakout... see below.Working on a solderable-prototype... due to solderless-breadboard-wiring-wonkiness.Decided not to design a full-on PCB, yet, as it's still in the prototyping-stage...Decided on 70mm x 70mm boards, they're much...
  • Solder Progress 4

  • Looked into dealing with removed solder pad Looked into hot air reflow station Bought: Hot air reflow station Solder paste Magnifying glass stand with lights 0.5mm solder 0.8mm solder tip Solder cleaner (sponge and tap water can damage tip over time)...
  • Solder Progress 1

  • Soldered all of the LM324 quad amp IC'sSide that is more beveled is where pin 1 isIncorrectly oriented the first one, bought a heat gun to de-solder and re-orient itBought isopropyl alcohol pcb cleaner to clean flux and solder residueOrganized bags containing...
  • 250 solder joints

  • On my last punch list, I had a debug of my old build, and soldering a new build, to confirm the main double demux structure, which reads the sensors and runs the motors.  So I took apart hop along and found some of the solder joints from...