
5029 Results for "3D printing"

  • fun with 3D prints

  • So... the latest picture attests to the fact that I had a 3D print test run. A few issues were high-lit, and there's an updated file on OnShape (see link above). I'm still working with Slic3r to try and improve the print, given that there's a bit of...
  • 3D-Printed Prototype

  • I've printed my first attempt at a case for DrumKid. It's still a long way from a finished instrument, but it's a great start - it feels awesome to see, hold, and use a thing that until recently only existed as a drawing. My current plan for the final...
  • 3D Print Top of Controller

  • Okay top piece came out great. I added brim to print file and put a ton of hairspray down while heating. This seemed to work. It was struck on the bed of the printer really good. And no Lifting at all. Plus i re-leveled the bed before i started. so i...
  • 3D printing & some mods

  • First prints If you head back to the last lines of the previous log, you'll find that engineers tend to overcomplicate things. Turns out if things aren't overcomplicated, they are oversimplified! - I'll tell you why, hold on. First things first. I 3D...
  • Waiting on PCB...learning 3d printing

  • Still waiting on the PCB to arrive. In the meantime I'm working on learning to tie up some loose ends. Last night I made my first 3d print. Trying to see about making the body a lot more usable in a cave. It would also be a lot easier to assemble for...
  • 3D printed camera mount

  • 3D printing finally allowed lions to mount the gopro on a carbon fiber rod instead of aluminum angle rod.  It was much more stable & the energy burn was much less.  It only burned 280mAh/mile.    That may be a charging anomaly, but...
  • 3D-Printed Parts

  • My first assignment was to print the 3D needed parts. I used my Prusa MK3s and Red and Black PLA.  I printed 'ALMOST' all the parts from the .stl files posted by Roger. However, I used some variations: Mirrored Parts: I printed the 4 corner...
  • The 3D Printed Case

  • Electronics need to go in a box so they don't get dusty. When I started this project in 2019 I didn't have a 3D printer and so the case was built out of some aluminum duct work and scrap wood. There are pictures at the bottom of this post.I spent most...
  • 3D printed waterproof enclosure

  • I decided to design an enclosure for this project for 3D printing. I want it to be waterproof, and functionnal. I'm finishing the design, but here is what it looks like : The box is parametric, and dimensions can be adjusted. In this version, it contains...
  • 3D printed case - the beginning

  • Good evening guys, how are you doing today? I am making great advances with my wireless-batteryless mouse project: even started designing a 3D-printed case for it!. I decided that I will be working both hardware and software in paralell, due to my will...
  • New Bobble-Bot Chassis - A 3D Printing Story

  • We've spent the past month getting two new chassis built, color coordinated this time. Getting the first robot built, tested, and controllable took quite a while. The BB2 robot was designed, built, assembled, and disassembled more times than a sane...
  • More 3D Printer Problems

  • Well, I set up the spectrometer for another trial print...this time with all of the mounting points, and mounts for the optics in place..  I've been using the glue sticks that come with the davinci printer..they work amazingly well..  This...
  • 3D Print update

  • I have been printing off the rest of the case.Above is the printer I have been using, located at the Melbourne Hacker space. Below is it doing its magic.Reprinted the bottom as well as the top, now with different filament colour.Another view, outlining...