
257 Results for "bldc"

  • A little background

  • This project came to be when I became tired of searching for a commercial option for closed loop position control for a CNC machine I'm developing. The majority of the retrofit CNC drives I found were stepper motor drives, and altough many brushed or...
  • Dispersive Rotating Prism Spectrometer

  • The aim of this blog is to create prior art for a dispersive rotating prism spectrometer. My inspiration here comes from Jerry de Vos. Jerry de Vos is working on a plastic scanner. This project aims to develop a simple handheld scanner that can detect...
  • Teardown & Planning

  • Lets start off with the unsuspecting subject that will serve as the organ donor for this Franken pump project. The Pacific Hydrostar 3/4HP clear water pump I picked this bad boy up from Harbor Freight about 2 years ago for a parts washing station. If...
  • Released Source Code Today

  • Ok, the first version of the source code for TrillSat was released a couple of hours ago under GPL 3.0, and a copy of the source tarball was uploaded to the Files section of this project.  It includes the most important files, the OpenSCAD program...
  • Build hope?

  • The twenty 2018 Hackaday Prize Power Harvesting Challenge winners were announced today, and again I did not win a single thing, not even a non-monetary achievement.  This is the 3rd loss for TrillSat in a row, and I see a trend here, unfortunately....
  • First approach to the dynamic model

  • In this entry, I would like to describe my struggle with the dynamic model of the quadruped. Based on two articles from MIT, IIT and mostly by changing the code available on the MIT’s repository for Cheetah robots I could run the Balance Controller...
  • Motor Controller PCBs

  • Hi!Finally the PCBs have arrived. I guess I imagined them a bit bigger, as I was surprised by how small they really are. The outline is just 33x33mm, so I will be able to fit it behind almost any of my smaller BLDC motors. Since I last wrote I've been...
  • [E1][T] Force sensor instead of magnets?!

  • Me yesterday: Me on the train back to my university: m1 (me 1): m1: Rememeber how the light ring of the SmartKnob View had an animation based on how hard you pressed the knob? m2: Yeah. m1: And why didn't we go with the first pre-Tetent idea? m2:...
  • [M] Sculpting a look

  • This is essentially how I imagined this curve would go… ish… it's kinda boxy though. I've also moved the strain guage right to one side so that I have space for some kind of linear slider. I need 33mm and since the total length target is 70mm, I might...
  • [L] Updated Schematic with New Components

  • So I've spent... oh it's 22:20 now and I started at 1pm... wow it's been over 9 hours? At this very moment, I've created the symbol and 3D CAD for the AAT101:There's a Fusion360 bug where the pads won't generate correctly if the height and width...
  • [L] Component alignment and solar pads

  • It's been another 90 minutes and I've got some updates. Just like with 3D CAD, I can have more than one symbol in a component. I still have the freedom to put each symbol in an arbitrary location: I've reordered the Tetrinsic masterpad so that VBLDC...