
121 Results for ""

  • Lion shield board

  • I made a shield board for the QMTECH Cyclone V Core Board to make the Lion computer circuit less messy. The board hosts: - XYZ DACs with separate voltage regulator - audio mixer opamp - the VGA resistor dac and connector - 512K fast 16bit sram - headers...
  • Clearer View of What DepthAI Sees

  • This demo is with an Intel RealSense D435 + Raspberry Pi 3B + NCS1. It's doing MobileNet-SSD Object Detection and depth-data projection to give XYZ position of every pixel.  And we're printing the XYZ of the middle-pixel of bounding boxes in the...
  • Genesis

  • There are few steps to make AFM.  First make nanometer size tip ✅Power supply ✅Make it vibrate up and down ✅Measure the force of vibration/input ✅Coarse XYZ movement of sample ✅Fine XYZ movement of AFM tip - electrical part ✅Fine XYZ movement of...
  • Update

  • Making progress slowly. Last night I was ready to try a first room scan...but I picked up the unit with the USB still connected. The arduino was pulled out of the female header socket and when I set the tripod back down the pins shorted and burned out...
  • Release Notes (2019.10.10)

  • October 10, 2019 (v0.1.10) Released: Fixed the bug that skiiiD was not working right after auto-update. October 07, 2019 (v0.1.9) Released: Added the Neopixel module's library for Maker Faire Seoul 2019.Improved the UX about auto-complete. September...
  • Z volume Mixer Revision 2

  • The last version of the Z-volume mixer was integrated into the main XYZ control board and there was no way to adjust its behavior. The new design is on a seperate board and uses a differential amplifiers to control a voltage-controlled-attenuators. The...
  • FAQ

  • Q: Why a PICF690 instead of XYZ?A: I’m used to PICs. Why I picked this one? I don’t know. I should have picked my favorite one (PIC18F25K22) but I don’t know what I was thinking that day. Q: Why PicBASIC?A: I’ve learned C with TurboC 20 years ago. It’s...
  • Design the Case

  • Last night, I designed my case using a combination of Sketchup, and XYZWare (beta).I am forced to use XYZWare because I received one of the Davinci Jrs for Christmas (and I'll definitely be using it to build another printer, but one that is not DRM'ed)I...
  • First Concept

  • First conceptual Sketchup image uploaded - this is a 1000x500mm bed with a moving gantry for XYZ movement. X (gantry motion along length of bed) should ideally be done with lead screws but could also be roller bearings. Y and Z must either be lead screws...
  • MaxMSP tests

  • Wow, I haven't used MaxMSP in a while. That program is complex! It took me some time to get familiar with the interface again..But.... we can read the XYZ from both joysticks and display this (with some delay) in MaxMSP! Step 1 is set! I've uploaded...
  • Control Board Details

  • Two types of stepper motor drivers are utilized on the Rumba control board - the DRV8825 is configured for 1/32 microstepping for the XYZ steppers. The Trinamic TMC2100 which features 1/256 microstep interpolation is used for the extruders which provides...
  • Kinematics

  • One of the key components of the cable robot is understanding the forward and inverse kinematics. Lucky for us there a great resource out there that already exists. For this robot I used emc2 which I use to control my CNC Mill and CNC router.  That...