
160 Results for "MPPT"

  • What is this Thanksgiving????

  • Silly me forgot that everything in USA is closed for the Thanksgiving weekend. I sent off the board designs to get made by OSHpark last week.....Anyway, while I'm waiting, I uploaded the gerbers, BOM, schematic and added links to the OSHpark board (...
  • Energy Harvesting Module

  • Here is a 3D model (kicad 3D view) of the Energy harvesting module. It is based on a BQ25504 Energy Harvester (with MPPT and Battery management), pair with TPS63030 Buck/Boost Converter. It's perfboard/breadboard compatible. There is also a 1V precision...
  • First Stab PCB

  • Well, that happened quickly. Since the last log, I have added a #SOICbite Programming/Debug Connector Footprint and a couple of mounting holes, but other than that, this is basically the same circuit as in the First Stab log:  A few advantages...
  • Postmortem Updates

  • For anyone that really wants to build this thing I've posted updated code containing two improvements.  Firstly, I fixed an annoying firmware failure mode that would require rebooting the charger when clearing snow off the PV panel.  It wasn't...
  • 52 Boards

  • As the description says, this is inspired by my partner, who wanting to learn to carve decided to carve one spoon a week. It's been fun to watch the progress of learning the various tools involved and using them for different features or styles. Beyond...
  • Still Alive

  • Despite it being over a year since my last project post, I'm still alive.Quite a few things have changed since my last post. I’ve had a major job change, a house change, and a +1 to the family. Needless to say, I haven't’ been able to do much on this...
  • Experimentalist musings

  • I figured I'd measure my ESP8266 test system, so I scrounged a 1Ω resistor and estimated the average current at 70mA, i.e. 230mW, even when just sitting on a timer. This is more than the solar panel at peak, and no amount of MPPT will help us with this,...
  • Bad Ideas

  • So I've been fretting over saving money on this project to get the Bill-of-materials (BOM) cost down. I've had a fair share of ideas cross my mind. Many I'm too ashamed to post on this blog, but three stuck out as being somewhat plausible.Getting rid...
  • Power system

  • One of the goals of this project was to be able to prototype quickly. So I wanted to mostly use components I already had laying around, was already familiar with or had previously worked with.Many BLE beacon projects run from a coin cell, but I decided...