
3053 Results for "air quality"

  • HW105, succes!

  • I tried to detect noise pollution levels in HW 104 but failed due to improper circuit design. Back to the drawing board, I opted for the MAX4466 where some know how was already available, thanks for the efforts of @ladyada / @limor . With this approach,...
  • About sensors

  • I used DHT22 sensors for a while. I'll continue to use it in some project, and i'll keep supporting those for this project, because they're cheap and easy to come by. However, those are not really good sensors. Why? Because of their weird communication...
  • Machine selection

  • I wanted to buy a pick and place machine to help me assemble a small batch of boards for my Blue Basic project. On the one hand the obvious machine to select is the TM240A which many hobbiest have recently purchased. It has the advantage of lots of community...
  • Modeling the Map

  • There are no two identical places on earth, every area on the map is unique, this is an important point to keep in mind throughout this build, seen as the process used to build up one area on the map will need to be repeated to make up the rest of the...
  • Software

  • A big part of our project is to make the data we gather available to everyone. We plan to do that with a web portal. So how does it all work?The data of course starts out on the sensor itself. That sensor then makes an HTTP request to an API, written...
  • HW104 Iteration

  • The A3 was a popular design, that worked well both during winter and summer, both as a fixed monitoring station and also when installed in buses, withstanding constant vibrations and traffic conditions. Due to interest in its huge potential, I continuously...
  • Solved investment shell cracking

  • I contacted Remet Corporation because they work with both large and small investment casting shops, and they suggested pattern & sprue wax that should not crack investment casting shells when it's being fired out. After a week of building another shell...
  • Better metal casting results

  • It's still very early in the game, but after reading & following some advice I got the next jump in quality:Keep metal cooler. The hotter the metal is at the time of pouring, the more it will bind with air & water in the atmosphere to create hydrogen...
  • Eleven days and counting...

  • Everything is shaping up nicely. Just 11 days to go. The Hackaday Eclipse Meetup Mobile Command Center (HEMMCC) is coming along. We're taking it for a shakedown camp-out this weekend, and I'm doing an upgrade to the front brakes of our tow vehicle.I...
  • Pros and Cons regarding the devices

  • Heartbeat deviceDescription: A stethoscope is modified so it detects the heartbeat, amplifies the analog signal through a microphone and transmits the sounds through bones transducers Pros: The analog signal reproduces the sound of heartbeats, hence...
  • Designing a CPU Module

  • The next transformation from breadboard to PCB is the CPU Module.  If you look at the schematic it might be better called a "connector module" or a "glue module". This hardware module serves to connect all the peripherals and other hardware modules...