
1451 Results for "G 골드피쉬카지노 cddc7닷컴 ♣보너스코드 b77♣정선파워볼༸바카라숫자흐름ɡ로하이픽🔟온카월드∮골드피쉬카지노이곳 siegfriedline/"

  • G Code

  • So G Code is dumb, luckily FlatCAM outputs G Code that makes sense to me. Instead of having a whole line of commands, that need to be interpretted in a different order then the order recieved, it just sends one command at a time which is easy to interpret...
  • Laser G Code converter

  • Laser gCodeIt is a pretty simple exercise to convert milling G Code to laser G Code.Turn off the laser (M5) for G0 movements and turn on the laser (M3) for G1 (also G2 and G3) movements. May as well delete all the old M3, M5 and Z movements as they will...
  • Correction in g calculation

  • An error regarding the g_scale for calculating g from accelerometer voltage was pointed and corrected by Steve Ferry (thank you Steve). adc_resolution = 3.3 / 1024 # Vref = 3.3V, 10 bit ADC. accelerometer_sensitivity = 1000/300 # 300 mv/g g_scale = adc_resolution...
  • Model 74181: G Outputs

  • A quick update to note that I've wired up the generator G outputs on the model 74181. I re-organized the board a bit and co-located them with the propagation bit logic. The board is a bit less clean now, but I think the trade-off is acceptable....
  • Streaming G-code Live

  • After deciding to build our device on top of a 3d printer, we needed to understand how a printer works so we can modify it for our own purposes. In the normal use of a filament 3d printer, first a 3d model is created digitally. Then the digital file...
  • PET-G Tuning

  • Printing with PETG is turning out to be pretty difficult. Every time I think things are tuned, something new goes out of whack and I'm back to square one. ---------- more ---------- Right now prints are barely holding adhesion to the printbite bed surface,...
  • G-EDM vs HSS

  • Mild steel is fun, but HSS means business. The settings used where too weak for HSS and I stopped the process. It would have taken too long and currently it is not possible to change the settings at realtime except for the Amps on the PSU. Next time...
  • G*ddamn it.

  • Be warned that below here is some very salty, spicy language. If you don't like swearing, you might want to skip this.---------- more ----------First, those goddamn Neopixels will not light. I have no idea why. I even wired one directly to the fucking...
  • G-Debugger for tArmDuino

  • The g-debugger (gdb) provides a very powerful debugging tool, but takes some extra effort to configure and use. It requires two parts that run in separate terminal windows. A gdb server must run in one terminal window and connects to the ST-Link. The...
  • Everything in GCODE

  • I just figured out how to send messages to the CIJ printer from the 3D printer controller, so that it can be completely controlled by GCODE.  For doing so I used the i2c feature of the Marlin firmware to send the messages to an Arduino NANO which...
  • G-EDM wire extension V2

  • The old wire extension is outdated. The new version has bigger bearings, better tensioning, an adjustable wire guide and is super easy to wire.
  • Better bezels through g-code

  • I couldn't get Slic3r to generate really nice segmented bezels at this scale, so I wrote a python program to generate g-code commands to send to a 3D printer directly. As a result, I can make cells with exact 1-extrusion-thick walls and minimal blobbing....
  • G-major and scanner lights

  • After software-generated video we now also have a software generated sound playing. In four channels! And the blinkenlights are blinking, slowly getting there... Sound and LEDs are driven by the same 8-bit extended output register which receives updates...