
9245 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3D printed case

  • On spring this year (we tweeted about it we got ourselves a Prusa 3D printer, so naturally we wanted to use to to make a neater printed case for WatchDuino!Our main challenge was actually to find...
  • 3D printing (optional)

  • If you have access to 3D printer you can print attached stl files and en-up with really nice device ready to be used and less looking like prototype.You can download files from our GitHUB (
  • 1st 3D printing!

  • First time we will 3D print both dactyl-manuform keyboards Models used in this build are the joseandres42 dactyl-manuform version: Original Dactyl-Manuform repo by bstiq:
  • Print the 3D parts

  • Material : We use ABS on a Zortrax M200 for  its resistance and its functional prototyping properties. It should work well with other plastic types, depending of the 3D printers you use. For a standard print, we have good result with this ...
  • 3D printing output

  •  Please download the following three files uploaded to FIles and output them with a 3D printer. ABS and PLA materials are fine.  However, be careful about the material of "ank_parts.obj" if you actually want to make it drink liquid (milk)....
  • 3D printed frames

  • I designed a couple of frames and stands for the weather station. This was my first time 3D printing and it was really fun to learn and iterate, although the wonder wore off somewhere around the 5th prototype.I've uploaded STLs and the fusion360 files...
  • 3D printable brightness booster

  • Since an improvised cardboard-version of this "brightness booster" showed promising results in this project log (with video), I went into setting up a 3D printable version of the brighntess booster in OpenSCAD. This add-on adresses some...
  • 3D Printing the Mechanical Coupling

  • The plan for the mill is to temporarily convert the X and the Y axis to CNC control using 3D printed parts. Then I should be able to use the 2 axis cnc to machine the final axes conversions. I have got temporary access to a Makerbot 2X which does a great...