
3554 Results for "air quality"

  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Pablo Oyarzo12:23 PM@Dan Maloney Eric OFC, Sam Zeloof , maybe Adam Savage?? and Simon Giertz Erin RobotGrrl12:23 PMDid you work at a design firm before making your own company? Which do you like more? Eric Strebel12:24 PMnice, i would like to meet some...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Usagi Electric (David)12:39 PMHave you tried played around with any other types of vintage computer memory? Drum memory seems to have been the primary memory used until core memory became viable, but Williams Tubes were also super interesting. Ken Berkun12:39...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • Andrew Sink12:39 PMI've made mechanical assemblies printed fully dense on the Mars 2 Pro, and shrinkage was not something I had an issue with Thomas Shaddack12:39 PMThe radical polymerization leads to sometimes fairly significant shrinkage. (Low single...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Mike Jouppi joined  the room.11:50 AM Dan Maloney11:51 AMHi Mike! Welcome aboard! Mike Jouppi11:51 AMHi Dan, thanks Dan Maloney11:51 AMWe'll get started in just a few minutes Mike Jouppi11:51 AMI came in early to see how this all works Dan Maloney11:52...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney11:56 AMHello, welcome aboard! We'll get started in a minute Ben joined  the room.11:57 AM Ben11:57 AMHello! Great to see you all here. Dan Maloney11:58 AMHi Ben, welcome to the Hack Chat! Another couple of minutes and we'll kick off...
  • Gesture Controller Gauntlet

  • Hardware Build First of all, I would like to thank Avnet, Octonion, and Microsoft for supporting this project with the amazing SmartEdge Agile with Brainium portal, I really felt informed using this board and able...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • Inne12:25 PM@Hugh Mungis A cyberdeck device that drills he connectors back in :D. Dan (a8ksh4)12:25 PM@io Tenino You can use a buck boost converter in front of a charger and as long as it supplies enough current, it'll give some flexibility. thesebelik12:26...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • ILove Scotch12:02 PMMods please delete my last link to licap, it's is incorrect and wrong page i linked. these are standard ultracaps. Dave Sopchak12:02 PM@ILove Scotch that lithium ion capacitor is not a battery, nor a hybrid. It's a capacitor. Look...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • dallas1:18 PMhilarious dallas1:19 PM-1 = 50meters or more underground daniel valuch1:19 PM160 meters where at point 4 of LHC Dan Maloney1:19 PMAnd here I was thinking I was being overly enthusiastic with my descriptions of working at CERN April Morone1:20...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • charliex1:01 PMi vent ours outside , since it has a lot of contaminants in it Thomas Shaddack1:02 PMProbably with some filler in the rubber. charliex1:02 PMco2, fibre, all of them outside you can do it into an active carbon filter as well to help, but...
  • Hack Chat Transcript

  • wa4jat  2:49 PM :-) captain.morgan  2:49 PM toot toot! DPM  2:50 PM "Tootle the horn melodiously..." RPLaJeunesse  2:50 PM Tootle-e-doo pt  2:51 PM for the folks who are here early, here is a treat, some factory footage i just posted up
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Page 1

  • Dan Maloney  2:51 PM Gonna get started in about 10 minutes, folks Athsara Fernando  2:52 PM :) Mark J Hughes  2:53 PM Woohoo! Remind me Dan -- what comes after Part-D, but before Part-F? Eugene  2:55 PM Do we just join here and enjoy the ride? Sorry...