
3554 Results for "air quality"

  • Analyze the data: CO measurements

  • In the classroom we measured 1,35 ppm of CO, but what does that mean? We found a simple scale to realize the quality of our air:We translated these data in english from
  • Particles

  • A while ago I ordered a dust monitor from Bangood.  It is based around the PMS5003 dust sensor from Plantower.  This is a 2.5 micron dust monitor that appears to be relatively accurate.  I was tempted to just buy the sensor and write...
  • Update!

  • A lot has happened since my last update. I have quickly progressed past the Arduino hardware and decided to consolidate things into the ESP8266 platform. I moved to a sparkfun ESP8266 thing since it was easy to get up and running and it could do what...
  • Starting off

  • For most of us, living and working indoors is a daily reality and with it the fact that indoor air quality is not always the best. We might start out in a fresh and well ventilated room but when we stay in it for hours the climate gets worse and worse....
  • The Dashboard

  • It is still work in progress, but last time I was busy building a new dashboard for the CITY units, one that uses the existing API to iterate the available sensor streams, than plot them in a visually appealing form.This dashboard shows all gases,...
  • Redesigned Leaf - again!

  • So here is the Redesigned leaf, making the Pi Zero sit a little more centered along the rail. It leaves 2mm final clearance from the highest point (minihdmi and wifi) to the next board. The 3d printed pegs won't last more than a couple removals. It's...
  • #Balccon2k17

  • It was my pleasure to participate as a speaker to #Balccon2k17 in Novi Sad last month. My presentation was on the #Flying Sniffer, the airborne air quality monitoring platform part of uRADMonitor.I presented the reasons for building such a tool...
  • Sliding modules

  • New system for connecting your own sensors and extending Pulse's functionality. Apart from the 2 waterproof multiports, there is a drawer kind of mechanism. that allows you to slide in different modules in order to "host" your designs, while the rest...
  • More updates

  • It's been awesome to see what people are doing with their Air Quality Wings! David designed his own enclosure which looks great! Here's the  full tweet:, thanks to some awesome...
  • Air pollution

  • Everyone discuss a lot about air pollution, but are we well informed? In the website below, you’ll find more information about it: what is it, its causes and effects, why is air pollution an important issue…
  • City Air Quality

  • This project is a solution to monitor air quality parameters in Cities, compliant to international requirements on computing the Air Quality Index. The hardware is an IOT device equipped with a laser light scattering sensor for Particulate Matter PM2.5...