
3885 Results for "%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D%E2%9E%9Coptime4%E3%80%82com%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%A7%88%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80 %E2%9E%9C %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%E1%98%AD %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95%E1%98%AD %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%ED%9C%B4%EA%B2%8C%ED%85%94 %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%ED%82%A4%EC%8A%A4%EB%B0%A9 %ED%83%80%EC%9E%84"

  • The Open Source Autarkic Motherboard

  • 3-11-2024 See these two 2011 Liliputing and TechCrunch articles, which were partly the inspiration for this project: (6-4-11)...
  • OpenCores PDP-8 on FPGA

  • From OpenCores PDP-8 page: Features In this FPGA implementation, the PDP-8 CPU can be configured to emulate the instruction execution of a PDP-8 (Straight-8), PDP-8/S, PDP-8/S, PDP-8/I, PDP-8/L, PDP-8/E/F/M, PDP-8/A, HD-6100, or a HD-6120. The...
  • Pro Trinket and Pro Micro Compatibility

  • In preparation for the next logs I wanted to talk a bit about the pin compatibility between the Pro Trinket and the Pro Micro. The reason why I also want to integrate the Pro Micro is that it's more commonly available and cheaper.---------- more ----------The...

  • The LG display allow to select the LVDS mapping between JEIDA and VESA. I encountered such issue again and images were generated to help diagnose the issue.The original image is pass through the conversion mapping to obtain the VESA and JEIDA images.----------...
  • I2C Sensors and debugging

  • I wanted to use a BMP280 I had in my parts bin for altitude measurements. I have used it in the past for a simple weather station and it works great! Turns out, it is even the go to sensor for Stratux, so I went ahead and plugged it in, activated it...
  • UWB+GPS Converged Equipment

  • Product features: support Beidou differential positioning and UWB positioning, automatic switching between indoor and outdoor high-precision positioning, positioning accuracy up to 2 cm outdoors, up to 10 cm indoor positioning accuracy, IP67 protection...
  • What shall we wrap it all up in?

  • Any enclosure needs to be easy to access yet provide enough space to get all of our cables in and out without being too big. A tough challenge!---------- more ----------Once our technology solution is chosen, we have to mount it, cable it, make it all...
  • A Traveler Has Arrived

  • Make contact. Unscrambled circles will get you _ _ _ _ _ _ Across: 3: this is what project #164913 is all about 5: dressed in stripes of BBROYGBVGW 8: I go clack and have an electromagnet 11: the brain of the circuit 13: one of the...
  • Address Bus

  • This last step is going to get REALLY tedious because the Address Bus has so many lines. But this is the last step and you should be done, so keep it up just a little longer. A0: 6502 Pin 9 to FLiP pin 13 A1: 6502 Pin 10 to FLiP pin 14 A2: 6502...
  • Programming Toolchain

  • There are some options for assembling 6800 code today. Ideally, a cross assembler would be good from Windows. Herb Johnson has adapted William C Colley III's A68 6800 cross-assembler. The A68 assembler runs in DOSBOX under Microsoft Windows. Output Format...