
87 Results for "keyboard"

  • RetroPie setup

  • I chose to use Raspberry Pi 3B with RetroPie as the permanent source of video signal. There are several reasons for this: I have already used it for my large 55" screenit should be small enough to fit in the available space (if not, I can switch...
  • ARI MK1-Y70

  • When taking out the battery I got a look at the motherboard. It just being a fraction of the whole laptop, the heat sink setup looked quite cool and the hard drive sticking out of the motherboard like if it was a quick slot of some kind; made me decide...
  • Yet another ZX-81 Restoration

  • Well here's another year :)  I've made this as a space to manage my thoughts on this Zx81.  To be honest there's probably better examples out there as to the correct way to do this. I would direct you to these places first. But if you're interested...
  • Primordial Soup

  • This is definitely the "12 pages of waffle no one reads before the recipe", but I feel it gives much needed context to the origins - the primordial soup - of this project.  So really, what even drove me to build my own Lisa? Two things really....
  • Keeping up with the Commodore

  • Originally published in 2016. The Commodore 64 was the first computer that really got me interested in programming. I first used one in my 6th grade classroom while pretending to be sick so I didn’t have to play dodgeball! I never had one of my own;...
  • Single stepping and scroll wheels

  • My encounter tonight with my old pal sn74hc688 made me realise that my vision and understanding of how "old school debugging" work is caricatural. Actually I have never used a professional In Circuit Emulator of the early 80s, though I've seen actual...
  • Finish the mechanical build.

  • Insert five additional wires through the grommet on the top cover of the box. I cut over-sized wires so I can cut them to size later. The colors do not matter, but I like to have one red wire for the positive connection. On the top cover of the Raspberry...
  • PAL and TTL hybrid version

  • 2023-09-02 This is the approach I have decided upon. Use GAL chips to mop up the small-scale TTL logicMerge ZX81 and G007 logic togetherTTL chip for keyboard input bufferTTL chip for NOP driverTTL chip parallel-to-serial shift register (74HC165)8K "Shoulders-of-Giants"...
  • Zero Entertainment System

  • Project Brief:Shoehorn a Raspberry Pi Zero into a NES controller. Load it up with RetroPie and wire up the buttons.Requirements:#RequirementJustificationStatus1System must be completely contained in a NES controllerA single-unit system is the main aim...
  • Pi Pico PAL TV Pong

  • Pi Pico Pong on PAL TV You are going to implement a Pong game with PAL TV output. The idea is to use the Pi Pico's PIO peripheral to generate the composite PAL signals. Deliverables You'll need to submit a working pong game that takes advantage of the...
  • Simplified Enigma Replica

  • Just some more details about how the Enigma is designed.You can find the FreeCAD files and STEP files on GrabCAD. While researching the Enigma it became quite apparent that the machine went through multiple design revisions. Not just the obvious 3 to...
  • Isetta TTL computer

  • The idea for this design was born at the end of januari (2023).  While many homebuilt CPU's have their own, unique instruction set, I decided that for this project the CPU would use an existing instruction set. Also, I wanted to build the computer...