
31 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8OIOX8489X83O6%E3%80%8B%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours%E2%94%903hoursrise%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours3hoursbehaved 3hours %E3%89%B2%E3%8E%9B3hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9each"

  • O Blinkenbaum

  • An 8.5" tall blinky Christmas tree made from WS2812s, a Moteino, foam, and some spring steel...
    • 0
    • 4
  • Rewrite code with FastLED + Gamma Correction

  • Today, i rewrite a code of ambient light of arduino module applied FastLED library carefully. Why? there are 3 important thing, 1) the legacy code of adalight is based on SPI that is used by a RF module too. I think move pin in code of adalight from...
  • The Great Resistor

  • This idea was born when i saw this project years ago: NOTE: There is a bug showing resistor values under 100 since gold nor silver can be displayed. AND the multiplier seems to be...
  • Step 3: Firmware

  • The MaTouch ESP32 S3 2.1 Rotary TFT with Touch is not compatible with the TFT_eSPI library, so I use the GFX_Library_of_Arduino library instead of the driver. Since I did not use the TFT_eSPI library, it is needed to delete or comment all the codes related...
  • Paganini Clock

  • Wheel of The Year On 16 segment Display The wheel of the year is divided in 8 intervals, and the corresponding segment is lit whenever the current day is inside the interval. In the picture below, the segment will be lit from February 1st until March...
  • AIRee Pollution Clock

  • #include #ifdef __AVR__ #include #endif // Which pin on the Arduino is connected to the NeoPixels? // On a Trinket or Gemma we suggest changing this to 1 #define PIN 6 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino? #define NUMPIXELS 48 // How much...
  • An STM8 eForth WS2812 Demo

  • Controlling the WS2812 with STM8 eForth was something I've had on my to-do list for a long time. The lore of W2812 timing is already long and twisted, and any new implementation, it seems, has to add a bit to it :-) Mine is the following:    ...
  • ATtiny13 DIY Electronics Earrings

  • What you will learn here: Circuit design of small board layout with minimum electronics componentsCircuit assemblyProgramming through ISP and test the complete made device Let's GO! Supplies The required ingredients for producing the earring are as follows:...