
293 Results for "%s"

  • The TAP's eXecute module

  • The previous modules are quite simple, easy, self-contained, while the X command (described earlier) subtly touches more things at once. Talking to the Instruction slice is not very hard, but requires some decoding first, and some of it would be best...
  • Day 2 - Fabrication and Assembly

  • With wood, saws, chalklines and screws, it's time to get to work.  Here's today's activity.Rip one 4x8 to make two 2x8.  first is for kicker board, and second is for top.frame up wallStack layout and drill wall holesTo drill the holes, we first...
  • On the subject of keyboards

  • The dumb badge requires a keyboard, and I'm doing this with a silicone keyboard like you'd find in a remote control or a ZX Spectrum. That's the easiest and cheapest way to put 100 buttons on something. But what is the layout going to look like? It's...
  • A semi-decent output port

  • When Y8 is integrated in a chip as a building block of a SoC or a microcontroller, the IO space implements some pin-altering registers, usually named GPIO. So you have configuration registers, read register and output register... This last one is often...
  • trashbot or poopbot, you decide...

  • Uploaded a few pics for Mike but the garbage eating beast is still in hiding. Just think of a crab w/o legs and other features, that is my proto bot. Images shows easy identification of objects of non-earth tones with area as the number presented for...
  • BotPong

  • IntroductionThis is a simple BotSpine demo project. BotSpine already has a processor and display. A CR2032 battery will supply the power. The controllers to move the paddles up and down will simply be wires. So, I'll have to solder a few wires to the...
  • The making of The Beast

  • Hey everyone, time for another update! A couple of weeks ago the whole team got together to catch up, have some beers, eat some great food, and build a Beast!If you've ever wondered what 40 people building a cluster of 360 Raspberry Pis looks...
  • The making of The Beast: Part 2

  • Hope you've all been having as much fun reading about The Beast as we have building it! Here's another timelapse video of us setting up the Beast tower by adding the Frames, which are the back-side  of each Tile.More juicy bits coming soon!
  • Looking at Stuff

  • An oscilloscope is for looking at waveforms, so I started digging around for some stuff to look at. I found the 74AUC gated ring oscillator I had discussed on another project, and fired it up. 74AUC logic outputs have interesting steps in their transitions...
  • What about w28?

  • w26 was swift and w27 was a walk in the park. w28 should be similar, but longer... Is it useful however ? In itself, I don't expect anything from w28, just as with w27 and w29. It's not the result that counts, but how it is obtained, since I develop...