
7305 Results for "solder fume extractor"

  • Breathe-Right

  • So my new laser module produces a lot more smoke, that makes sense since it is much more powerful.  It is possible that I need to up my air assist game, although I did not see significant scorching on the few test cuts that I have done...
  • Prototype #2

  • The second prototype was soldered on a hot plate - maybe it is the reason why the accuracy is worse than for prototype #1, that was hand soldered? Another source of error in this case is the output resistor R29 - its value is 1k in this case and that,...
  • Air quality?

  • ## Project notes 2022-11-05 (Air quality prototyping) The development of the code for the logging board has continued. It was fun having the flashing LEDs indicate the actual menu state, which is very useful. Still, it is not practical to tie up so many...

  • They say necessity is the mother of invention. Have you ever been right in the middle of a project, when you realize that you could hack up a simple tool which would make your current task easier? Maybe it’s a coil winder, or a device to hold .100 headers...