
810 Results for ""

  • Inside the Robot

  • Let's take a closer look at what's inside the robot ;)Here are two renders without the chassis part and covers, you can see how compact everything is!I made sure to have everything symmetric as to get a center of gravity in....well the center!concentrated...
  • Rack-em-up

  • So we had a family weekend, my son came home from college and we went out last night and have more plans for today.  However I did find an hour or so yesterday morning to sneak out and finish the crossbars for my roof rack.I just finished the cross...
  • Panel - Part 1 (Design and Construction)

  • (Original post date: 1/03/16)The front panel of my vintage toy synthesiser is the place where all the dials and buttons for controlling the sound parameters will be attached to the toy piano. While the final design of the panel has turned out very similar...
  • BBC micro power supply rethink

  • A major power drain on the beeb is the 16 DRAM chips. The HM4816-3 chips on the original design draw 88 mA each, or about 1.4 amps total. The Mostek MK4516 fitted on my beeb use 25 mA each, or 0.4 amps total. These reduce the total power budget from...
  • Prototype

  • After I had spent a month or so messing with LTSpice, I decided that I really needed to build something to try it out. From what I had read, trying to prototype this power supply using a breadboard would not be a good idea. Breadboards have too...
  • SnowPlow Robot

  • In the following video you can see the snowplow robot in action, somebody told me that seems that for shoveling the snowplow robot must take the run-up, IT IS NOT SO, I have made the video to show how the snow get removed. How it is made? The robot is...
  • Coil Gun

  • Step 4-Projectiles and testing of coil gun                                                        Coil gun projectileHere,...
  • Upside Down Train

  • The challenge is "how exactly to make this work?" First, throw away everything not needed on the train engine to reduce the weight. I 3d printed a cover shell and magnet holders. These will be very specific to whatever engine you use. My engine weighs...
  • DinoCoin mining

  • UpdateWow, did not know there is actually a thing called DinoCoin. If you came here because of that then you will be disappointed. This project is not related to that.------------------------------------------------------------------------Batch file::start...
  • Design Decisions: The Screen

  • Apart from the core itself, the next important decision is the the choice for the LCD screen. Dimensions As stated earlier when we discussed about the core, the whole point for the FunKey Zero project was to prototype as much features as possible for...