
1469 Results for "Reverse Engineering Blood Glucose Monitors"

  • Reverse engineering the EPROM

  • My initial plan was to desolder the microcontroller (a Winbond W78C32C-40 MCU, with an 8051 core) plus a few other logic chips in the board, then add some wires to control the LED circuitry. But desoldering was tougher than I thought, and while in the...
  • Reverse engineering the keypad

  • I had my time completely occupied by lectures and exam, but today i finally found some time to continue from where I left off: understanding how the keypad works. Smelting the problems away Due to the age of the device, I wasn't able to get any output...
  • Controller and reverse engineering

  • I need a controller which can implement the required sequencing, implement the positive manual enable, and a lock system to prevent unauthorized use. A convenient way to do testing while adjusting parameters would also be helpful.Digging in my parts...
  • JM20330 Reverse Engineering

  • The central component of this project is a PATA to SATA bridge IC. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be any suitable chip with (officially) publicly available documentation, so figuring out how to use them can be tricky. The most common IC for this...
  • Reverse Engineering the Screen

  • Origin I first saw this screen on the ZBD EPOP 900 electronic shelf label (ESL). Thought it is going to be fun just reverse engineer them, so I bought a few of them: PCB After I got them, the first thing I tried was powering them up. And... I got nothing....
  • Reverse engineering mechanical parts

  • I have been able to spend a few hours on the project, and I thought I could share some of the progress so far.I was going crazy trying to figure out a solution to the screen and processor dilemma. I still haven't figured out a perfect solution, but I...