
350 Results for "bar robot"

  • Drone AWuAV 3015E

  • AWuAV 3015E the Revolutionary Open Source drone! Get in touch with us  What make are AWuAV 3015E different & better  then the “Latest & Greatest” drones offerings today … is that AWuAV 3015E Is revolutionary and is Almost all...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • itsshreyarora12:49 PMis it cool if i do everything with an rpi and a bunch of relays? itsshreyarora12:50 PMcool its rpis and relays,,, big tech can get tf outt sn3ll12:50 PM@Zack Freedman Do you have any advice on making videos from your projects? joeykrause3712:50...
  • Hackaday Prize Hack Chat Transcript

  • Sophi Kravitz How many people in here have entries in the Hackaday Prize?ShaynaSophi Kravitz +1redhose i hav enoneSophi Kravitz DOCSRead this on Google...
  • First Welding Tests

  • I made the first "serious" welding test on 3 18650 cells tonight.The blue part is a piece of heavy gauge copper bar in a thermo sleeve. It serves as a weight to control the welding pressure. Each arm can move independently (to some extent...). Close...
  • Finished the Openscad version

  • File is uploaded in the files section. If you want a file made with any particular dimensions and can't get on with openscad, just ask.On the file just place a "!" at the start of a piece you want to save and export stl in openscad.From top to bottom.Full...
  • Y-Carriage Design Update

  • Reduced the weight and footprint of the Y-Axis Carriage.Experimenting with Igus anti backlash lead screw nuts.Trying out different direct drive extruder designsI'm considering making the X and Y-axis C-Carriage designs from solid rectangular bar instead...
  • Getting Barometer Data (Python Script)

  • from machine import Pin,I2Cfrom bmp280 import *import time bus = I2C(0,scl=Pin(1),sda=Pin(0),freq=200000)bmp = BMP280(bus) bmp.use_case(BMP280_CASE_INDOOR) while True:    pressure=bmp.pressure    p_bar=pressure/100000   ...
  • Artificial Horizon

  • found some code pre-written for an artificial horizon written by Adrian Fernandez. I made some com port changes to the way it gathered the data, and it seems to work pretty well. It should be quicker for me to test in a model plane, than wait for a...
  • How I measured load cells

  • These cells have only 2 strain resistors in them, so 2 additional resistors are needed to take the measurements. I’ve tried to use resistors, but they produce too much noise. Easiest solution was to use another cell. In this way it compensates also...