
268 Results for "feather"

  • Maybe Feather?

  • I still have no strength to sit down and program a proper gait, but I keep thinking about the mechanical design and having ideas. One thing I'm going to need is some kind of an expansion socket on the front part of the robot, so that I can connect different...
  • Designing the nRF9160 Feather

  • Whenever I design a board, I optimize as much as possible. Layer count, part count and even part location can play a big role in how much assemblies cost later down the road. In this article, I go into depth about the decisions I made when designing...
  • New Feather Wing viEwMotion Board

  • I successfully etched a new board (after thickening traces, etc as much as possible).  I cleaned and etched the board, re-flowed all the SMD parts, drilled holes for jumpers and header pins (and hand soldered all of that stuff) it was time to check...
  • The nRF9160 Feather Is Now Served

  • I was a complete failure. My prototype wasn’t working. I spent at least an hour trying to rework a frustratingly large LTE module on an impossibly small circuit board. It wasn’t going to work. So I went back to the drawing board. I poured my years of...
  • Getting Zephyr Running on the nRF9160 Feather

  • In this post, I’ll be outlining my first experiences with Zephyr and nRF Connect SDK. If you’re not familiar, Zephyr is an up and coming RTOS for embedded devices. It brings things like threads to tiny little processors so that your real time tasks can...
  • Earthquake validation gadget

  • Assemble the components in the following way for the code to work:Mercury tilt switch connected to the ADC pin of the Feather HuzzahBtn switch connected to the digital pin 12 of the FeatherThe RGB Neopixel is connected to the the digital pin 15 of the...
  • Nawgnir

  • Assemble the components in the following way for the code to work:Connect the mercury tilt switch or the moisture sensor to the ADC pin of the Feather HuzzahThe warning LED is connected to the the digital pin 15 of the Feather
  • Dwalin: Power management problem

  • I'm moving Dwalin from the breadboard stage to prototype in the enclosure. As part of this, I'm setting it up so that the Pi can turn off power to the Feather in order to run the Feather from the LiPo battery once a week. Unfortunately I've run into...