
359 Results for "esp8266"

  • Wifi live solar power display

  • DataThe first step was to get the solar data from my Growatt 3000MTL inverter online into, which is a great tool for uploading and comparing PV data. The method for getting the data into pvoutput is beyond the scope of this project (but...
  • Preparing for Solar Cell Tests

  • Things get much smoother after fixing the ESP8266 I2C issue. While the RV-1805-C3 RTC module is interfering the ESP8266 and hence omitted for now (more details on this later), the rest of the PCB seems to be working fine: The environmental sensors are...
  • Prepare the ESP3266 (Wemos D1 Mini)

  • The ESP8266 is next, connect it to your computer using a USB cable and then navigate to using the chrome web browser. Press ‘Install’ and then choose your board. Once completed we can then disconnect this and set it...
  • Weird NodeMCU DNS behavior

  • Adafruit has this code for making a HTTP request:sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end ) sk:connect(80,"") sk:send("GET /testwifi/index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection:...
  • RPi WiFi Hat - by ajlitt

  • #RPi WiFi Hat - by @ajlitt[update 2015-03-05] new simplified design based on newest development of @ajlitt Using an ESP8266 (ESP03) connected to a Raspberry PI over the SDI interface - that just looks too awesome! I still have an ESP03 that doesn't fit...
  • Brains

  • The PCBs finally arrived, of course while I was travelling. I'm finally back, and I assembled the PCB. Of course, since they were designed in a hurry, there is a number of mistakes.somehow I managed to swap the RST and ADC pins with TX and RX,there is...
  • Shield Anatomy

  • Since this board is so packed (18 servo sockets take a lot of space), I couldn't fit all the labels on it. So a bit of a legend is necessary:The MISO, MOSI, SCK, RST, 3V3 and GND pins are needed for programming the chip after it's assembled. I'm just...
  • Hacking a Cheap Wifi Outlet

  • DISCLAIMER: This project plugs in to the mains, which has dangerous voltages and can kill you. Never plug in the device working on this project - you can re-program using an external 5V supply.I have a Rancilio Silvia coffee machine, that needs time...
  • Hello World

  • I'm so excited that Blue Stamp Engineering is using this design for their engineering summer camp in NYC. This is how to program the ESP8266 on the blimp PCB (note that the joystick uses an Adafruit Feather ESP32): Shown here is the pinout for the ESP8266....
  • Add hardware

  • For my goals I have the following setup in mind:Microcontroller: ESP8266 is a unit I have worked with earlier. So I know how to set it up and program it. I can upload...
  • Display modes

  • For the final log on the clock I will go into more detail on the software side. First I will briefly discuss the software architecture. Then I will explain the different display modes I developed so far. All code can be found on the GitHub repository...
  • Today isn't my day

  • Well, today I learnt a lesson. Watch where you shove your scope probes. Thank goodness I didn't do any more damage than I did. This is my best explanation for what happened to me. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, I'm keen to learn about my mistakes!I've...