
23324 Results for "3D printing"

  • Smart HVAC System

  • The project uses Edge Impulse FOMO (Faster Objects More Objects) custom ML algorithm  to detect multiple objects and its coordinates using a compact micro-controller with on-board camera (Nicla Vision). The object detection ML model will use the...
  • Assembly

  • The assembly is pretty self-explanatory. Provided both cable harnesses are soldered, the following sequence is recommended: (all 3d printed parts are written in bold in the following text) remove all outer keys of the keyboard, insert them into the case...
  • Front holding structure

  • The front will open frontwards using a 20x20 square aluminum frame as door frame and the front part on hinges fasten between it and two U shape 25x25 aluminum beams (one on each side) The idea with the U shape is to make sure rain and wind do not enter...
  • Safety First!

  • There are a lot of different versions of the Gaggia Classic, but the versions I find most interesting are those sold in Europe. As far as I'm aware (and I've actually never owned or used a Gaggia machine) the European versions all include a standby timer,...
  • Input mechanism for the V3

  • Ive been thinking about potential input devices for the V3 design. Previously the plan was to use an external capacitive sensing chip, because the ESP32 doesnt have enough gpio to handle everything and touch sensing is the most sensible to allocate...
  • Using up some old Qi chargers

  • I had a couple of Qi charger circuit board kits I got from Adafruit and from a client project. A small Eureka moment ensued when I read my iPhone supported Qi charging as well as Apple's proprietary wireless charging.  For some...
  • Making the motor/carousel assembly

  • The heart of this build is a carousel with holes in (for the baskets) attached via a spindle to the motor's output shaft. The motor is attached on top of the jar lid, whilst the spindle and carousel hang down into the jar containing cleaning/rinsing...
  • Our team

  • We have many years of experience in developing electronic devices for various customers. When we complete a non-standard task, we often explore new methods and ways to achieve the required result. By accumulating this knowledge, we create solutions to...
  • Evolution of a Programmer

  • As mentioned before, I decided to put the programming interface into one of the unused (at least, for our badges) pins of the SAO connector. The idea was it would be easier and faster to just plug the SAO into its intended port after assembly, rather...