
154 Results for "역삼유흥★010=4648=0930 ω최저가ωdown금나라실장℈shampoo강남프린스℈objet강남테란℈real강남란제리클럽℈civa강남살아있내℈kona강남지중해"

  • muCPU: an 8-bit MCU

  • (I will be updating this at and eventually will remove this section)Designing a CPU:In this section, I will describe how the muCPU was designed and how it works. Any blocks of text in italics is information...
  • Sound!

  • I added an implementation of the TMS9919 sound chip. I basically just based it on the information available on the TI Tech Pages and then checked on the Classic99 implementation for the implementation of the noise generator. I don't know if this fully...
  • Directory Stuff

  • I put a bunch of files on the SD card so the directory spans across multiple blocks. It might be fun to have a directory listing. The front of the first directory block has: 000 42 20 00 49 00 6E 00 66 00 6F 00 0F 00 72 72 00 B .I.n.f.o...rr. 010 6D...
  • TokyLabs Music Box

  • TokyLabs Music Box Website Link : Level Music Box   The TokyLabs MusicBox is a simple weekend project using the Tokymaker to create a sheet-reading sound box. The Tokymaker will use light sensors...
  • HelloPenguin Current Test

  • Running binRed test pattern firmware with new CR2032 battery with UNI-T UT61E meter in series set to Amps and logging over USB link to UT61E.exe. We see a high of 73 mA. Graph of Amps per Sample made in Libre Office No Time DC/AC Value Unit AUTO 1 13:33:16...
  • Address decoding... and how to get it right

  • But it just works... What I find really amazing is how small, seemingly insignificant experiences can have enormous impact on us, how they can shape our path. For me one of those things was rather not-that-important article written by one of my professors,...
  • Tagged registers

  • BEWARE ! That log might make you roll your eyeballs so much that you"ll see yourself cringing but it might also "solve" an old problem, in the sense that "solving" in engineerspeak means "moving the problem somewhere else". Hopefully it doesn't come...