
4907 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 강남셔츠룸ㅬ レresidence㎱강남셔츠룸신사셔츠룸⑧appetite 강남셔츠룸강남란제리 강남셔츠룸╃강남란제리″names㏊"

  • PCB Fabrication For 5G

  • According to enterprise experts, 40% of the worldwide populace will make use of 5G networks with the aid of using 2024. This multiplied call for will purpose more than one modifications for customers, shops and issue designers, such as revealed circuit...
  • #wunderhack || a wunderbar hackathon

  • The wunderbarThe wunderbar comes in a package of 6 BTLE sensors of different types (temp, light sound...) and an embedded device that connects over wifi to the Open Sensor Cloud Platform. It aims to be an easy “Internet of Things” starter...
  • How Arduino Boards are evolving IoT Industry?

  • Background: Arduino  begins from where the rest of boards starts their own flourishing. The history of arduino begins in 2005. According to the under of open service environment, a group of engineers and hackers all were came together build the...
  • Lets Program!

  • So by now we've done alot of work and still haven't done any actually programming.  But dont worry, we are about to get started.  First lets connect a LED and 330ohm resistor to the PORTB.0 Pin.  Open up BASCOM and start a new project/file. ...
  • LED strip / lights connectors and maximum currents

  • The experiment's point LED luminaires use different connectors to connect the power supply and the light emitter or to extend the wires (for example). Manufacturers and retailers describe the current that can safely pass through the connectors for long...
  • How does a cable locator work?

  • This post contains a brief introduction to cable location principles. What does a typical locator consist of? Active/passive location methods. Cable connection methods.Determining the route of an underground cable or conduit is a common challenge. This...
  • How to Support Virtual Network on Linux 4.1.15?

  • Taking the FETMX6ULL-C platform as an example, if you want to use VPN, you need to open the tun configuration in the kernel in the following way: Kernel Compilation Choose either of the two methods below: 1. Modify the.config file directly...
  • CC3200 SimpleLink Development Page.

  • Step 1 is to add LCD and some analog interface to my CC3200MOD board. Schematics link.CC3200 SimpleLink Wi-Fi and Internet-of-Things solution, a Single-Chip Wireless MCU.Another CC3200MOD board has arrived as well.SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3200 module LaunchPadGoing...
  • PoE, dV/dt and ESD

  • Why I don't like USB in the lab When lab setups don't fall into disuse and get scrapped, they are usually passed down through generations of PhD students - and there doesn't always seem to be an incentive to spend time to improve a working setup. ......
  • OK, but seriously ... Hackaday Reorganization

  • I have a pretty good idea now how works.  My first three months have resulted in a hodpodge of projects, pages, log entries, and links to a bitbucket repository.  Although I would like to salvage what I can from those projects,...
  • A review of Ocean Smile (formerly LocoPCB) PCB service

  • Update 2020-01-15: Got email from them saying they have merged with Ocean Smile (who thinks up of these names?) with a new site. As far as I can tell the pricing structure is unchanged and my old account works so my next 4 5-board orders are still $2....