
38 Results for "atx bench psu"

  • ATX-Pi

  • An unholy marriage of an Arduino, an ATX power supply and a Raspberry Pi.
    • 158
    • 16
  • ATX Bench PSU v1

  • Before starting the project I did some research and found many great instructions so I'll not go into detail about the topic but rather share some pictures and comments.---------- more ----------After using an Arduino or even a programmer to power my...
  • Mini ATX PSU

  • What is it?The PiRyte Mini ATX PSU allows you to power your Raspberry Pi and project boards using an inexpensive desktop power supply. Additionally, it enforces a controlled shutdown so that the Pi's operating system can properly close down without corrupting...
  • Digital Bench Power Supply

  • The plan is to design and build a digital bench power supply. As the starting point we have the following:a project metallic enclosure from an old ATX supplya microcontroller, the choice is Atmega8 (or for extended functionality, such as Bluetooth/HC-05,...
  • ATX Benchtop Power Supply

  • [update 1/15/2016] Periodically, I notice in my email that someone has "liked" or "skulled" this project. Awesome, but... sadly, as mentioned in the last log update (more than half a year old, as of this intro), I pretty thoroughly killed this power...
  • TekMate KH-80

  • I knew I wanted to build a Cyberdeck and saw another one using an old portable CRT TV. So I started searching E-Bay looking for a TV to use. One of the first TV's I saw was this 1980 Hitachi K-1100 5" B&W portable TV. To me it just screams...
  • Intel D410PT mainboard won't turn on anymore

  • I bought a device that harbors a Mini ITX mainboard (Intel D410PT(B)). It also had a power supply failure, so we're left wondering whether that in turn damaged the mainboard as well. First off, this is a no-fix, but maybe you'll enjoy the story of the...
  • Fred the Ripper

  • Fred the Ripper Fred the Ripper (FtR) is a CD-ripping (or recording if you want) robot based largely on the acrylic "kickstarter" version of the UFactory's Uarm 4-axis desktop robot. I added a few parts and other tricks to make a robot that can pretty...