
99 Results for "cern"

  • Caption CERN Contest Week 13 Winner

  • Week 13 might be gone, but our intrepid scientist is still rocking his caffine rush! Thanks for the captions! We're still trying to figure out if the faces in on the wall are anyone famous - and who exactly are in the cartoon postcards toward the top...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 21 Winner

  • Week 21 of the Caption CERN Contest is now history. It's been a great week of captions, so as always a huge thank you goes out to everyone who entered. We still have no idea what these two CERN scientists were working on. lenses, switches, and a giant...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 24 Winner

  • Week 24 of the Caption CERN Contest has was one for the books. There were so many good captions that we had a hard time picking a winner! Thank you to everyone who wrote up a caption and entered the contest. We still don't know quite what this device...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 17 Winner

  • Week 17 may now be a polished sheet metal memory, but the captions live on! Thanks to everyone who entered. We may never know exactly what these scientists and their ladder holding friend were up to. We do know a bit more about some of the equipment...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 3 Winner

  • Another week of great entries here on the Caption CERN contest. The Funnies:"The smell of burnt flesh hung heavily in the air as Tom reviewed the command sequence he had run through the institute's new talking computer. To his horror, he realized that...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 5 Winner

  • Week 5 of our caption CERN contest has flown by! Here are the top picks!The Funnies:Guy #1 "Pay close attention: If anything goes wrong, press this BIG RED BUTTON. Then count to ten."Guy #2" What does it do?" Guy #1 "Absolutely nothing... it just gives...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 6 Winner

  • Six weeks in, and you the great comments keep flowing in! Here's what rolled down the pipe this week: The Funnies:"Damn Mario Brothers ..... 'gotta save the princess' How about watching where you're going for once. - Scott Galvin"Here at CERN, you don't...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 16 Winner

  • Week 16 just flew by, but not without sparking some cosmic comic genius in the minds of everyone who wrote a comment. Thanks to everyone who entered! If you followed the blog post, you already know that this image isn't an early POV display, or some...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 22 Winner

  • The tangled web woven by Week 22 of the Caption CERN Contest has come to a close. It's been another bumper week with 112 comments. Thank you to everyone who submitted a caption! We realize it may have been hard for some of the network engineers out there...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 9 Winner

  • We had some great captions this week - thanks to all of you! The jury is still out as to whether the gentleman on the left is a CERN staffer, or a Morlock caught on camera. Our eagle eyed readers picked out some things we didn't even notice at first...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 12 Winner

  • Week 12 and the strange stringed scientific instrument it brought along are both history. As always, thank you for your captions! They provided quite a few chuckles in the busy week gearing up for our Hackathon. We're still not sure exactly what is being...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 14 Winner

  • Week 14's image may have had us at a loss for words, but it definitely didn't slow down our intrepid caption contest entrants! Thanks to everyone who entered. We still have no idea what that device is, though we are sure that we wouldn't want to be under...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 15 Winner

  • Accidents happen - but the awesome quotes you all sent in for Week 15 of the Caption CERN Contest were no accident. A huge thank you for our biggest week yet! The scientists in this weeks image are definitely cleaning up after some type of nasty accident....
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 19 Winner

  • Week 19 is now in the record books, though we're sure we'll be getting "safety update" emails from HR about the incident for the next several weeks. Thanks to everyone who threw caution to the wind and submitted a caption! This definitely is some sort...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 25 Winner

  • Week 25 of the Caption CERN Contest is complete. Thanks to all the entrants who tried to figure out exactly what is going on with this scientist and his strange box. We're still just as confused (and amused) as you are. He definitely is focused on the...