
353 Results for "circuitpython"

  • TOF Sensor CircuitPython Code

  • In this revision of the PCB, I'm using a Seed XIAO RP2040, which is based on the RP2040.  It's supported by CircuitPython which offers lots of useful libraries, but not one for the TDC chip I'm using.  Generally I would say CircuitPython...
  • Updated Firmware with CircuitPython 3.2.0

  • CircuitPython 3.2.0 has been released a while ago, and brings a lot of bug fixes and some performance improvements. It would be nice to use it for µGame. Unfortunately, it also had some changes in how audio is handled, and since that interacted...
  • 9-bit DisplayIO and CircuitPython

  • When I was testing that breakout board for the display I've chosen, I immediately noticed a funny thing: while it uses the standard 4-wire SPI interface, it actually only has 3 wires: SCK, MOSI, and CS. There is no D/C pin! So how is the driver chip...
  • CircuitPython 4.0 and Display Support

  • The upcoming CircuitPython 4.0 introduces, among other things, built-in support for displays. That means that when there is an error in your code, you will be able to see it right there on the screen, without having to connect to some gnarly serial ports....
  • It's alive! (and with CircuitPython)

  • It took awhile to get here but the new STM32F411 chips are working really well!  COVID aside It has been so interesting to see how COVID has affected everything in such real ways. I say this because, most things come and go but don't really...
  • CircuitPython troubles and flyback change

  • Much progress has happened, here's a recap: CircuitPython troubles I previously reported that I had successfully tested compatibility with CircuitPython.  Seems I wasn't thorough enough: this had proven compatibility from a software standpoint,...
  • Coding Crunch - switch to CircuitPython

  • My goal was to have all the coding completed by today. Sadly the audio parts for the project have not arrived yet. (Neither have the vacuum tubes, but more on that later.) So this is MOST of the coding done.In addition to the solid green lights for the...
  • Adding the board to CircuitPython

  • Last time I went all the way up to flashing an UF2 bootloader on the SAMD21 chip, now we need to get CircuitPython running on it. Normally I would just use the firmware for #Fluff M0 — it has all the pins available, so it's very convenient for such...
  • CircuitPython 4.0.0 Released, Please Wait for 4.0.1

  • The CircuitPython 4.0.0 has just been released, and it does include support for µGame. However, due to last-minute breaking changes in RC4, and my travelling that made it impossible to fix it over the weekend in time for the release, the Stage library...
  • CircuitPython coming with a big upgrade!

  • The goal of ThunderPack is to be accessible to beginners and experts alike. With that in mind, CircuitPython seemed like an important thing to include. Only one problem...the chip I chose will not work for it. Why? STM32L072xx and CircuitPython I liked...