
534 Results for "esp8266"

  • Program the ESP8266 for first time

  • To program ESP8266 you need to connect the FTDI programmer to the pin RX, TX and GND. Before apply the power, connect the pin GPIO00 to Ground. I use a Arduino IDE to program the ESP8266 You will need just the first upload with the FTDI programmer....
  • Step 1: Set up the ESP8266

  • Get the MicroPython firmware running on your ESP8266.  Here are some instructions if you've never done that before.  You will need a module with at least 1 MB of flash and 3 free GPIOs.  Your old ESP-01 probably isn't going to...
  • Connect the screen to the ESP8266

  • 3.3v to 3.3v, gnd to gnd, SDA to D3 and SCL to D4. You can use other GPIO pins if you like, make sure to update the pin numbers at the top of update_display.lua. If you get nothing on the display, they're probably set wrong.
  • Upload the code to the ESP8266

  • I use ESPlorer for this - open the 3 files on the left side, connect to the ESP on the right side and click 'Save to ESP' for each file. You'll need to set your wifi details in init.lua first.