
673 Results for "python"

  • Set up a python virtual environment

  • Now that the repository is cloned, the next thing you'd like to do is to install virtualenv using pip. We're using a virtual environment for Wol Control to avoid conflicts with currently installed modules on your machine. You can skip this part if you...
  • Visualize data with python in wifi

  • Now we need a code to collect and make a graph with the data from the Wemos.For that, we use a python code called "" in the folder "Code_python_wemos", which make an electrocardiogram in real time. Moreover, the code recorded the data in a...
  • What does the python code do?

  • Here I'll briefly summarize how Teachable Machine (V1) works. Rather than training a new artificial neural network for your samples, Teachable Machine uses a pre-trained MobileNet model that can predict a 224*224 color image, generating a probability...
  • Adding Python libraries and goTenna SDK

  • Recommend shutting down the Raspberry Pi, remove the USB-A plug and download the libraries over WiFi or Ethernet, not using the cellular modem.  Once complete you can return to plugging in the USB again. sudo apt install python3-pip sudo apt install...
  • Get Sensor Data from MPU6050 (Python Script)

  • from imu import MPU6050from time import sleepfrom machine import Pin, I2C i2c = I2C(0, sda=Pin(0), scl=Pin(1), freq=400000)imu = MPU6050(i2c) while True:    ax=round(imu.accel.x,2)    ay=round(imu.accel.y,2)   ...
  • Adding Text To Speech to Python

  • Follow the detailed instructions provide by Google to enable their Cloud Text-Speech API. You'll be starting from the Google Cloud Console and will have to enable billing - but the important note is that it is free for the first million characters per...