
1501 Results for "soil+sensor"

  • Connect Soil Moisture Sensor

  • The SMS comes in two parts which must be connected to each other via 2 female-female wires. Connect the PCB side of the SMS to the breadboard, connect power/ground pins, and connect the ANALOG data pin to an ADC pin of the ESP32.
  • Waterproofing the Soil Moisture Sensor

  • In this step, we'll make sure the soil moisture sensor is protected from water by attaching a 3D printed cover using hot glue. Take the 3D printed cover designed for the soil moisture sensor.Heat up your hot glue gun and allow it to reach the appropriate...
  • IMU sensor

  • A Mindsensors AbsoluteIMU sensor is attached below the two yellow stoppers just behind the ultrasonic sensor with the X axis pointing in the direction of the sensor, as shown in the camera picture below.
  • Touch sensor

  • To be able to interact with a snowflake I added another brass rod to create a capacitive touch sensor. I found a great library and tutorial by Paul Stoffregen. The touch sensor is used to interact with the arduinoflake - change animation, turn...
  • Sensor Connection

  • The sensor has Three pins: PowerDataGround Which were soldered to distinct wires The Power wires were then connected to the same Power pin on the Raspberry Pi, similarly to the Ground wires connected to the same ground pin on the raspberryPi. GPIO pins...