

engineer, diy electronic projects addicted

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This user joined on 08/17/2014.

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Christian wrote 10/30/2017 at 15:25 point

complimenti perchè stavo cercando un progetto simile e questo mi sembra il più completo, vorrei provare a riprodurlo, sono però più informatico che elettronico, pensi che sarei in grado comunque o è meglio se mi appoggio ad qualcuno più elettronico di me? :)

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IngGaro wrote 10/30/2017 at 15:29 point

Anche io sono un informatico, non servono grandi conoscenze di elettronica ma un po' si... almeno devi saperlo realizzare e affrontare gli eventuali problemi che escono (e ne escono!)

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Christian wrote 10/30/2017 at 15:59 point

Immagino, nel caso spero di trovare supporto tra i vari forum/gruppi_fb :)

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Asly Starr wrote 08/30/2016 at 19:48 point


Where can I find your antitheft apk?

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IngGaro wrote 08/30/2016 at 22:22 point

no apk, it publishes a webapp through ethernet. you can access it with the cellphone browser and add to dekstop as a shortcut!

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IngGaro wrote 08/13/2015 at 17:30 point

It's arduino based, so I use arduino language (Wiring) with its ide.

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rezamovahedi313 wrote 08/13/2015 at 17:28 point


may i ask one question?

which language did you use(C/java/android?......) to drive your project?

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rezamovahedi313 wrote 08/13/2015 at 17:28 point


may i ask one question?

which language did you use(C/java/android?......) to drive your project?

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