• How Does ABA Therapy for Children with Autism Work?

    01/23/2022 at 17:55 0 comments

    Schools and specialty organizations offer quite a few options to parents and caregivers of children with autism. Some of those parents seek out an ABA therapy center for evaluation and treatment using applied behavioral analysis, which is the gold standard of treatment for children on the autism spectrum. While program specifics will vary, these centers usually work with children and parents in a few ways.

    Integrated Autism Therapy

    A good ABA therapy center uses a multi-pronged approach to helping each child reach their potential. This approach will include parents in a program of assessment, teaching, and evaluation. Everything is built around a comprehensive strategy that could employ two or three specialists:

    Behavioral specialists – Therapists trained on behavior analysis diagnose each child and develop treatment programs that help them communicate and regulate their behaviors. If a child needs help with speech, another specialist can get involved.

    Speech therapists – A speech-language pathologist can work with your child to improve their verbal communication by diagnosing and treating specific speech problems. If necessary, this specialist can also recommend a communication device that will help your child communicate effectively and appropriately.

    Occupational therapists – The techniques that help an adult to adapt to their environment or modify it, can also help children learn some important coping skills. Some children with autism benefit from working with an occupational therapist to address things like balance and hypersensitivity to sound and touch.

    Autism therapy centers will normally give parents some training so they can help their child with oral hygiene and communication, in ways that are tailored to suit that child.

    How Autism Therapy Works

    Joy Bridge Kids programs all incorporate play and social activities of various kinds, geared to the child’s abilities and needs. A behavioral specialist designs and evaluates each program. The program would come out of a one-on-one assessment of the child by a specialist. The parents will be involved in putting that treatment program into practice, as well.

    Working with Parents and Caregivers

    JoyBridge also involves parents in the process of providing needed services. Our work is enhanced by parents and caregivers who can help carry out parts of the treatment program at home and out in the community. With this in mind, we teach parents how to create and use routines and to intervene and interrupt maladaptive behaviors.

    ABA Therapy in Nashville

    You might be looking for autism services in Nashville or want to find ABA therapy in Tennessee, look for a program that is based on applied behavioral analysis and other clinically-proven interventions. Contact them today so you can learn more about their services.