
A Gripping Game

Make exercise less boring with a computer game, using grip strengtheners as a wireless controller

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Those who have read the book know that Inigo Montoya used to squeeze rocks every day to strengthen his grip on the sword. The rest of us, who don't have vendettas to drive our exercise regime, tend to find workout routines too boring to do regularly. So after finding a pair of cheap "Hand Grip Strengtheners" I decided to transform them into simple, wireless game controllers, and to program a motivating game to match on an SBC.
  • 1 × Cheap spring-type grip strengtheners (pair) Make sure they have solid plastic handles you can drill into!
  • 2 × PIC12F1840 Microcontroller Easy to program to send modulated IR signals
  • 2 × IR LED emitter (match the wavelength to the receivers)
  • 1 × IR 38KHz Receiver
  • 1 × IR 56KHz Receiver

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