

An educational Arduino™ clone.

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I designed this board as a through-hole kit to be built as a next step on from a true Arduino or just to experiment with AVRs. It features an FTDI header (v1.4 requires a fix), an ICSP header, on board 5v regulator and GPIO breakout.

It was initiated when my friends daughter got interested in electronics and was specifically designed to be fairly easy to build for inexperienced constructors with a little supervision.

Currently I am awaiting v1.5 boards with a fix for the FTDI lines and option to use a crystal and two capacitors or a single resonator. Also, I have developed v1.6 on which I have made room for a 28-pin ZIF socket to facilitate programming. The intention is that you would have a single programming board and many 'normal' boards for making/experimenting.

I consider the design to be Open Hardware licenced under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0


I had the board fabricated by the excellent Hackvana who do a fantastic job every time. The gerber files for this can be downloaded from the ProjectAVR website. The project utilises an Atmel ATMEGA328 as used on the Arduino UNO. It can be programmed via USB with an FTDI adaptor and the Arduino IDE or directly via the ICSP header from Atmel Studio using a programmer such as the AVR ISP MkII.

As is usual with my projects, I get a base version designed and improve it gradually. I'm up to version 1.6 with the minDUINO. Unless I can think of any major improvements, this will be as far as I go.

  • 1 × 10 nf Ceramic Capacitor
  • 3 × 100nf Ceramic Capacitor
  • 1 × 10uf Electrolytic Capacitor
  • 2 × 100uf Electrolytic Capacitor
  • 2 × 330R Resistor

View all 13 components

  • minDUINO v1.5/v1.6 are go!

    Steve Smith06/21/2014 at 14:27 0 comments

    I have now recieved, built and tested both the minDUINO v1.5 and v1.6 boards. They operate fine so I hve published all the design files, including zipped Gerber files for fabrication, on my website Feel free to use these files under Creative Commons v4.0 BY-SA Licencing.

    The v1.6 board is specifically meant for programming, hence the ZIF Socket for convenience. I am thinking of designing one more variant which will be a v1.6 board with a prototyping area added to facilitate experimentation.

  • v1.5 Alive

    Steve Smith06/21/2014 at 08:28 0 comments

    I have received and built and tested a minDUINO v1.5 board. It operates as expected and the FTDI header now suits the FT232 module that I purchased on eBay. I also tried out a resonator instead of a crystal and that's all good too. I usually have my boards fabricated in Blue but I chose Red this time, just for something different.

    Hopefully the v1.6 boards will arrive shortly and I can test those too.

  • Awaiting Updated Boards

    Steve Smith06/16/2014 at 17:52 0 comments

    I like to check that I haven't made any major bloomers on my boards before I publish them. Despite this, you can access the minDUINO v1.5 files here:

    Use at your own risk. I am expecting the fabricated boards any day along with the v1.6 boards which accommodate a 28-pin ZIF socket. Once I have verified that both boards are correct and operate correctly, I will publish all of the design files on the ProjectAVR website.

    I'd love to hear if anyone else gets a board fabricated and what it is/has been used for. Please feel free to get in touch steve(at)projectavr(dot)com

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Ron wrote 07/01/2014 at 22:19 point
Keep up the work you do, you have some great idea

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Steve Smith wrote 07/02/2014 at 00:14 point
Thank you Ron

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Steve Smith wrote 06/19/2014 at 08:09 point
That's an idea - Cheers.

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johnowhitaker wrote 06/19/2014 at 05:21 point
Nice project! Might be worth tipping off the guys? They have tutorials on building a bare bones arduino clone, but don't have any PCBs available - only protoboard.

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