The object of this project is to design a low cost robotic platform that we can use to experiment (see our application section) with. To start with, we are going to development a autonomous robot capable of taking inputs from various external sensors including an on-board camera module. The robot will have a WIFI module which could potential be used to interact with its siblings, provide feedback to a master node or even a mean to re-program the robot via a bootloader. It will have a driver system that will allow it to move around its environment. It will also have on board battery which will allow it run untethered.# Application we going to explore- Swarm interaction- interactive learning – (neural networks)- Alternative Image techniques (Inversion)# Live stream Episodes2)
Here's the second live stream of the project. In this stream I made changes to the robot back axial and dummy wheel and talked about why I'm going to be using timing belts for the robots tracks.
Are you ever going to post any instructions or anything? How expensive was it? What parts did you use?