
SolarUPS V3 Solar Uninterruptible Power Supply

SolarUPS devices can provide for constant, uninterruptible low voltage system power supply for low consumption equipment

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Industrial level SolarUPS devices can provide for constant, uninterruptible low voltage system power supply for such low consumption equipment (e.g. measurement data collectors, field sensors, weather or gas stations, gateways, monitoring and security devices, wild cameras) where supply from the network would be impossible or very difficult. Supply can come from a low-power solar panel, but charging from a network power supply unit is also possible. Energy is stored by the SolarUPS device in a Li-ion or SLA Gel battery pack (5000 – 12000 mAh capacity). We are working with cells of wide temperature range and longer lifetime. Charging of the battery pack is performed intelligently, with a MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) function, utilizing energy fed from the solar panel very efficiently. The SolarUPS module supplies the connected device with a buck-boost DCDC stabilized power supply, and the output voltage is completely independent of the battery voltage.

Main characteristics of SolarUPS uninterruptible power supply units:

  • Constant, uninterruptible power supply, with stabilized DC output, independently from the charge level of the battery.
  • Very efficient use of the energy coming from the solar panel for battery charging with MPPT technology.
  • Long-lasting preservation of charge in the battery, DCDC supply unit with low consumption in idle run
  • Built in batteries with wide temperature range and long lifetime
  • Status, charging current and consumption measuring outputs for monitoring of the operation
  • Small dimensions and low weight, outdoor design with high IP protection, optionally in UV resistant polycarbonate-housing
  • Industrial level and certified solutions
  • Multiple electronic and thermal protection
  • Easy installation and fitting into application

SolarUPS V3 device is available as an Add-On panel without battery (dimensions 80x50x15mm, type PCB) or with the optional battery (types SLA and Li) in a housing of IP66 or IP65 protection. External dimensions, depending on the type of the selected battery: 192x164x87mm (type SLA) or 160x80x85mm (type Li). The cable of the solar panel and of the powered device (max. 6 mm) let out from the housing through two simple cable gland. Power may come from a 20W solar panel, DC output voltage is stabilized 5V or 12V (device type), with 2000-2500mA load.

The device is available with two kinds of battery packs. One of them is a Li-ion battery pack of capacity 9000mAh and nominal voltage of 11.1V, with an automatic balancing circuit. This battery has a wide range of operating temperature and a full charge cycle value (life time) higher than the usual: it wears at least 1000 charge cycle (50% DOD) without larger capacity loss. Device equipped with this kind of battery is more favourable both in its dimensions and weight, however it is more expensive. Comparison of the operating temperature range – Liion (green line) and SLA (red line) battery:

The other possibility is the SLA Gel working battery with 12V of nominal voltage and 9000mAh of capacity. This version is larger and heavier, and it does not work in such a wide range of temperature, as compared to the Li-ion battery version. The lifetime of the battery is lower (600 charge cycle, 50% DOD), however its price is more favourable and at the end of the lifetime of the battery its replacement is simple and cheap, anyone can do it.

SLA 12V / 5-12Ah capacity battery can be connected to the PCB version SolarUPS device. The connected battery must bear 1.8A of charge current! The optional charge temperature protection must be activated in compliance with the temperature specifications of the selected battery.

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View all 5 project logs

  • 1
    SolarUPS V3 versions

    You can choose from these versions:

  • 2
    Mechanical drawings

    V3 SLA fixing points:

    V3 Li fixing points:

    V3 PCB fixing points & dimensions:

  • 3
    Wiring Solar Input & DC output

    This way you can connect the cables:

    Ttake care of the correct polarity!

View all 4 instructions

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