
Weather Station with e-ink Display

A simple Python app runs on RasPi zero W which shows weather information pulling from OpenWeather on an e-ink display

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I always want to have a weather station hangs on the wall. I know you can get weather information easily from your smartphone. But from time to time I forget to check weather before it is too late to bring an umbrella or an extra jacket.

I got a lot of ESP8266, ESP32 and RasPi at home. Building the wether station like this should be a piece of cake for me.

However, I have difficulty in finding a suitable display component. I find the LED/LCD panel is not an ideal choice. Although their price is cheap now, showing a static image for a long time will burn the panel.

The project postpones start until I saw this cheap e-ink display from eBay.

My design goal is simple:
1. Pulling weather information from weather forecast website like Open Weather and etc.
2. Showing weather information on e-ink display.
3. Adding customized reminder. Eg, if it is going to rain, remind of brining an umbrella. If the temperature drops during day, remind of brining an extra jacket.

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Nikhil Vijayan wrote 04/16/2019 at 18:10 point

Hey Ricky, have you completed this project yet? I'm after pretty much exactly something like this and would love some more direction. I'm comfortable with writing code and picking up Python as well. 

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