Please note this list is subject to change - project is undergoing redesign
- MCU: ESP32, specifically the ESP-WROOM-32 module
- Sound chips: YM2612/YM3438, SN76489
- Storage: MicroSD
- Display: ILI9341 240x320
- Headphone amp: TPA6111A2
- IO expander: MCP23017
- DC-DC: 2x LM2735
- Battery charge: MCP73832
- LED drivers: 2x PCA9634
I cant wait to try one! Looks awesome.. any chance the rest of the schematics will be released so we can build this amazing player? Hope all the YM2612 I bought are working.... got a bit worried since the last update with your tests, and ppl seem to have alot of faulty ones :(. Anyway, please share the current status when you have time :). Thank you!