
ShopArm: A Practical 3D Printed Robot Arm

The ShopArm is an easily implemented robot arm. Just train it and then use it

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The ShopArm is a practical robot arm intended for the everyday person. All you have to do it plug it in and then train it to do what you want it to do.

Currently the ShopArm is a entirely 3D printed. The interfaces include a standard GUI, speech, and a vision-based "Shadow" training capability.

For more details visit Kickstarter.

The ShopArm is a 3D printed trainable robot arm. Its primary controller is an Arduino Mega. The custom software for the ShopArm can run on Wondows or Linux Systems.

The current interface allows training using the traditional GUI, speech-recognition, or a vision system which we call "Shadow." The shadow feature allows the robot to track the motions of the user using just a webcam.

The ShopArm is currently on Kickstarter


  • DOF - 4
  • Weight - 6 lbs
  • Payload - 0.6 lbs
  • Motors - Nema 17 Geared Stepper
  • Position Repeatability - 0.5 mm
  • Materials: PLA and Aluminum
  • Power Supply - 12 V 5A DC
  • Gripper - 3D printed Micro-servo Actuated
  • Rotation Range - 360 Degrees
  • Controller - Arduino Mega
  • Communication - UART
  • Software: Graphical waypoint control, visual tracking, speech

  • 1 × Arduino Mega
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi This can actually be any Windows or Linux computer. We use the Pi to make it all self-contained
  • 3 × Nema 17 Steppers

  • The Project is Being Revamped

    slantconcepts09/16/2017 at 16:21 0 comments

    Hey All,

    The Shoparm is being reactivated. 

    After failing on Kickstarter last fall we shelved the ShopArm project for awhile. But we are bringing it back starting now. We will be improving the 3D printing files, and cleaning up the software, so that it is even easier to build and use.

    We plan to relaunch it on Kickstarter as soon as the modifications are live.

    We will keep you posted.

    Thanks Everyone,

    -The Team at Slant

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