
An Interactive Take-off-your-shoes Sign

This device consists of two interactive signs that help encourage visitors to take off their shoes when they enter your home.

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This device detects the front door opening and swings a sign stating “please take your shoes off” away from the wall to face the door. When someone places their shoes on the shoe rack, this action triggers a “thank you” sign to spin. To accomplish this, an ultrasonic sonar distance sensor located behind the door detects the door swinging towards it. When the door is within a specified distance threshold of the sensor, this indicates to the Arduino to rotate a positional servo motor 90-degrees, swinging the “please take your shoes off” sign away from the wall. When the sign has swung off the wall a 10 second timer begins. When 10 seconds is up, the sign rotates negative 90-degrees back to its original position on the wall. A box attached to the wall above the shoe rack houses the Arduino and circuit. When someone places their shoes on the shoe rack, a PIR motion sensor detects this motion and indicates to the Arduino to rotate a continuous serv


Arduino code

ino - 9.09 kB - 11/18/2021 at 16:52


Detailed Instructions_take off your shoes.pdf

Detailed instruction manual

Adobe Portable Document Format - 9.07 MB - 11/18/2021 at 16:44


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