I have one of these boards, but no circuit diagram or hardware manual.
The PAL chips have been read to JEDEC files, and disassembled to equations, but the pin names are things like i2, i3, o1, o6. I have buzzed some connections to establish useful names, and plan to do more as time allows.
PL3 and 4 pinouts allow ribbon cable connection to cable-mounted DE9 connectors that are pinout compatible with PC serial ports.
PL5 carries both serial channels on an Arcom-standard header.
The CPU is a HD64B180ROP (B rating is 6 MHz). The CPU oscillator is 13 MHz, the serial port oscillator is 12.288 MHz. Thus the CPU clock is 6.5 MHz, about 63% faster than a standard Z80. Memory cycles are all 3 clock cycles long.