
ATtiny candle development board

ATtiny Candle is a small development kit that is based on Microchip ATtiny85 and ATtiny13 MCU.

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andrey-malyshenko has 781 orders / 23reviews
Ships from Poland
This project was inspired by IKEA LED candles. I was thinking how would you do one at home, and why would it be better than original, apart for being handmade obviously.
A had a fistful of ATtiny13 chips that will do the job together with addressable LEDs. Clearly always better to have few LEDs instead of just one. And clearly it would be nice to power it from any power bank, which is practical in few ways - it kind of looks like candle if you use cylindrical 18650 based ones, also it saves you charging circuit, every power bank has one.
Nest step I re-did the same board with ATtiny85 power house and USB-connectivity, so it will work with micronucleos bootloader and will be flashable with no tools necessary (like Digispark boards).

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