
Push Push AIR

A pedal board that sends configurable keystrokes via Bluetooth (battery powered)

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Push Push AIR has two pushbuttons that, when pressed, sends a configurable keystorke via Bluetooth to a paired device.
From the paired device's point of view, Push Push AIR appears as a Bluethooth Keyboard., so it's a pretty universal device.

You can change the keystrokes sent by Push Push AIR by connecting to it via WiFi and setting them in your browser from a simple web page

I use it to turn scores on a tablet when I'm playing live with my band, and a second one to trigger the start of background videos played by a Raspberry PI.

Original Push Push AIR uses an ESP32 board that have the 18650 battery and charger included like this:, but if you don't need battery power you can use any ESP32 board and power it from USB.

User guide

  • Turn on your PushPush AIR. When it's ready you'll see the status led blinking once
  • Go to the Bluethooth manager on your mobile, tablet or computer and start the search for new devices
  • In a few seconds it should appear "PushPushAIR2" (or the new name of the device if you already changed it[see below] )
  • Click/Tap on the discovered PushPushAIR to pair it with your mobile device
  • PushPushAIR will appear and act as a remote Bluethooth keyboard
  • Out of the box PushPushAIR is configured to send the key cursor left and right. Check the app that you want to control and, if it needs different keys, go to the Configuration section and change the keystrokes sent.
  • When you push one of the buttons the status led turns on
  • The status led is also used to inform you of the battery charge: when fully charged it blinks once in a minute (more or less). It blinks faster as the battery discharge.


You can change the keystrokes that Push Push AIR sends as well the name of your Push Push AIR and the password used to configure it

You can do it by using a simple web interface, once connected to Push Push AIR via WiFi from your smartphone or computer.

Here are the step by step guide:

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  • 1

    I used a WEMOS ESP32 board that has a 18650 battery holder and the charger circuit included so the build it's really just attaching buttons and fit it in a suitable case. 

    But then I also made some Push Push Air without battery (powered via the usual USB calble) with a classic ESP32 dev bpoard.

    Any EXP32 developement board shuld be ok to run the Push Push Air code.

  • 2

    Device Customization

    By default the pedals/buttons are connected to Pins 21 and 23, and the only led used is LED_BUILTIN, however you can customize this.

    The PIN and LED assignement is done in a separate file, named customize.h

    See the GitHub repository Readme for details on how to customize that file.

    Compiling the firmware

    If you are using the same board with integrated battery that I used, in Arduino IDE select the WeMos WiFI&Bluethooth Battery

    Otherwise select the board you are using

    As Partition Scheme select: Huge APP (3MB No OTA/1MB SPIFF)

    Please install the following libraries:

    BleKeyboard 0.3.2beta

    • Bounce2
    • Preferences
    • Pangodream_18650_CL

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