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    First, we need to make a schematic in Altium Designer or any other PCB design software. The schematic needs to be complemented by appropriately-sized components such as the INA818ID amplifier.

    Our board is powered by a low voltage 5V input. We used a quarter-bridge or full-bridge custom configuration with very precise resistors (0.1%). The electrical output in W+ and W- then enters our INA818ID amplifier and is amplified 85 times. You can modify the amplification gain by changing the value of the R4 (600ohms) resistor. We also use a precise voltage reference of 2.5V in our amplifier by having the MCP1525T-I/TT perform that task. The output is then sent into a MicroClasp header that we can connect with wires into our vehicle controller computer.

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    Board Layout

    The second step consists of physically placing the components on the PCB, ensuring the right footprints are being utilized. On a small board like this, using a polygon pour to connect the ground (GND) plane is very beneficial. Even complicated traces and polygons on such a small board will be precisely manufactured by JLCPCB, so use that to your advantage.

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    Gerber Files

    Once the design of the PCB is done, it is time to generate the files that will be sent to JLCPCB to manufacture it. These files are called Gerber files and they are an industry standard used to describe PCB fabrication data. Each layer of the PCB (copper layers, solder masks, overlays, etc.) corresponds to a single file.

    To make them ready for ordering, combine all files into a single ZIP archive.