
Gro Clock

Designed to teach my children to stay in bed

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Designed to teach my children to stay in bed until an arbitrarily set time

Code and STL files on my github repo

Has a nifty little OLED that displays the time and day in front. An RGB LED that cycles through some arbitrary colours for a duration of six minutes (can be edited only from within the source code) after a button push. and a micro servo that either shows a sun or hides it, indicating weather its time to get up or not. It is powered by a 9V wall wart adapter

Setting the Time and Date

There are some constants defined in the beginning of the source code that can be edited to personal preference

For the Real time clock unit to function you need to uncomment and edit the line //setDS3231time(25,36,21,6,6,5,22); and within that line edit the seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, year the clock is 24 hour format and the days start from Monday being 1, Tuesday 2 etc.

Required Libs

editing the arduino source code requires downloading the SafeString library which can be found at which i used for the millisDelay functions

The OLED used adafruit_SSD1306.h and the adafruit_GFX.h, the adafruit_SSD1306.h has dependency requirements that the arduino IDE should auto download


Arduino source code

x-arduino - 7.67 kB - 05/07/2022 at 12:40


  • 1 × Arduino Nano 33 BLE
  • 1 × KY66 micro servo Kuman SG90 9G Size Plastic Gear Micro Servo For Plane Helicopter Boat Car Robot KY66
  • 1 × HW-111 RTC module
  • 1 × micro push button 6x6x5mm mini micro tatctile push button
  • 3 × 220 ohm resistor

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