

This is where i try to integrate everything in one project just for fun.

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This is where i try to integrate everything in one project just for fun.

In this project i just try to put everything together to study how it works.

I plan to expand and integrate everything into a useful thing.

  • 1 × BME280
  • 1 × ADS1115 Evaluation, Demonstration Kits, Boards and Modules / Evaluation Kits, Boards and Modules
  • 1 × BH1750 Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits / Misc. Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits
  • 1 × BMP280
  • 1 × CCS811

View all 23 components

  • Serial OutPut of the project

    Rfiles08/28/2022 at 20:06 0 comments

    This Appears messy because of wrong font. Must be a fixed lenght.

    Aug 28 2022 16:57:561
    Station_07 Loader of 18 Modules:
    Primary I2C Scan
     Got = 23  38  39  70  
    Primary I2C Scan Done
    TCA I2C Scan
     Port 0 Got = 00 20 48
     Port 1 Got = 5A
     Port 2 Got = 10 29 68 76
     Port 3 Got = 23 38 39
     Port 4 Got =
     Port 5 Got =
     Port 6 Got = 00 40 5A 60 76
     Port 7 Got = 29
    TCA I2C Scan Done
     00: SCN S[  23] D[158] OK
     01: RAM S[ 181] D[  1] OK
     02: SI7 S[ 182] D[ 53] OK
     03: BME S[ 235] D[123] OK
     04: ADS S[ 358] D[  0] OK
     05: MCP S[ 358] D[ 10] OK
     06: CCS S[ 368] D[204] OK
     07: MIC S[ 572] D[  0] OK
     08: SI1 S[ 572] D[ 52] OK
    E (626) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error
    E (636) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error
     09: VL5 S[ 624] D[ 72] OK
     10: TCS S[ 696] D[620] OK
     11: MLX S[1316] D[  1] OK
     12: BH1 S[1317] D[ 20] OK
     13: MPU S[1337] D[639] OK
     14: VE0 S[1976] D[  4] OK
     15: BMP S[1980] D[108] OK
     16: VL0 S[2088] D[2001] OK
     17: WS2 S[4089] D[  1] OK
    Load Done
    RAM: Total 0528 regs of 0248 bytes each.
    Starting Timed Tasks

    NOC: 000017   TOC: 000046   TIM: 01:00:49
    BME: T[29.43] P[1005.826] H[45.10] 
    BMP: T[30.22] P[1005.495]
    SI7: T[29.46] H[43.67] 
    CCS: eCO2[ 428] VOL[   4] 
    ADS: 1[  131] 2[ 1348] 3[   71] 4[17477](3.29V)
    MIC: Carb Mono[3.19]  Diox Nitr[0.15]  Amonio[0.18] Propano[74.27]
    MIC: Butano[70.54] Metano[194.24] Hidrog[0.45] Etanol[1.07]
    MCP: IN(A)[###-##-#] OUT(B)[--------] Int[--------](0)(0) 
    BH1: Lux[41.67]
    SI1: VIS[  261] IR[  261] UV[    0] PROX[  255]
    TCS1: R[ 3467] G[ 3443] B[ 3588] C[ 7978] IR[ 1260]
    TCS2: C_R[ 2207] C_G[ 2183] C_B[ 2328] R_C[ 6718] LUX[48.95]
    TCS3: CR[0.16] AGX[   60] ATMS[  153] CPL[29.61]
    TCS4: MAX_LUX[737.69] K[5409.89]
    VE5: UVA[0.00] UVB[0.00] UVI[0.00]
    VE0: UVI[0]
    VL5: Distance [1739] mm
    MLX: Amb[26.93] Obj[25.91]
    MPU: Ax[0.00] Ay[0.00] Az[1.01] - Gx[0.01] Gy[-0.05] Gz[0.02]
    MPU: Mx[30.29] My[110.58] Mz[229.36] SumG[1.01] T[36.58'C]
    MPU: ANx[0.01] ANy[0.05] ANz[90.00] Pitch[-0.01] Roll[0.03] M[0]

  • This is the Tasks That Run Periodicaly

    Rfiles08/28/2022 at 20:03 0 comments


    NumberTime in msDescription
    0500MCP23017 Port B1 Led Blink
    12500Get And Store All Sensors Data
    21234Process Values. NOT USED
    35000List All Sensors Data in Terminal
    45000Send All Sensors Data to MQTT Server

  • Commands That I Created

    Rfiles08/28/2022 at 20:02 0 comments


    0Force Listing of stored Values
    1Force Gather Values from Sensors
    eForce Boot Modules
    sExecute Create Timers Function
    gStart / Stop Timers (g <Timer #> on/off )
    rForce Send Data to Influx Database (Does Not Word)
    iForce Send Sensors Data to MQTT server (Nodered in my case)
    oConnect to configured WIFI network
    wSync with NTP server and Show Clock
    hToggle MCP23017 Pin (h <pin # in port B> [optional 1/0, default is 1]
    jSet Si1145 Led Current (j <0..15>) Its from 1mA to 300mA
    pSet WS2812 Color (p (Red) (Green) (Blue) [Optional Led #, default 0] Colors in 8bit
    kSet WS2812 Intensity (k <intensity 8bits>)
    lToggle MICS6814 Calibration Source. Preset/ADC mean since boot in 10 samples.
    xSet MCP23017 pin. (x <1/0> [Pin# in port B] Default is Pin B1
    cToggle all MCP23017 Port B pins on/off.
    vSet MPC23017 Port B Pin input or output. (v <1/0> [Port B pin. Default 1])
    bBoot Specific Module Number. (b <module #>)
    nChange first 3 WS2812 leds to Red, Green, Blue.
    dRead VEML6070 sensor data. CRASHES ESP32. DONT KNOW WHY!
    zErases 23LC1024 RAM. CRASHES ESP32. DONT KNOW WHY!

    All other commands are ignored with an error message.

  • TCA9548A Channels Used

    Rfiles08/28/2022 at 20:02 0 comments

    TCA9548 channels used:

    ChannelWhat is Connected
    0MCP23017, ADS1115
    2MPU9250, BMP280, TCS34725, VEML6075
    6SI7021, SI1145, MLX90614, BME280

  • MCP23017 pins USED

    Rfiles08/28/2022 at 20:01 0 comments

    MCP23017 Pins Used:

    PINWhat is Connected
    A0TCS34725 Interrupt
    A1ADS1115 Alarm
    A2CCS811 Interrupt
    A3VL53L1 GPIO1
    A4SI1145 Interrupt
    A5VEML6070 Ack
    A6User Button Active Low
    B0TCS34725 LED
    B1User Red LED

  • Modules Used in This Project

    Rfiles08/28/2022 at 20:00 0 comments

    Modules Used In This Project:

    HardWare      What I get
    BME280Temperature, Pressure, Humidty
    ADS11154 channel 15 bit ADC. Channel 4 connected to 3.3V
    BH1750Light Intensity
    BMP280Temperature, Pressure
    CCS811Equivalent CO2, Amount of Volatile Gases
    MCP2301716 pin Input/Output Expander
    VL53L1Laser Distance Sensor up to 4 meters
    VEML6070UV intensity
    23LC1024128kB External SPI RAM. Store Values. Pointless for now
    WS2812B3 modules full RGB configurable LEDS
    MICS68143 Gases Sensor. Uses 3 channels of ADS1115. Measures 8 Gases
    MPU92509 Axis Montion Sensor. Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer (3 axis each). Also chip temperature
    SI1145Light and proximity sensor. Infrared, UltraViolet, Visible, Proximity (With white LED)
    VEML6075Ultraviolet Sensor. UVa, UVb, UV intensity
    SI7021Temperature, Humidity
    TCS34725Light Sensor. Red, Green, Blue, Clear, IR, (LUX, K, CPL calculated)
    TCA9548AI2C Switch and level translator for all I2C devices
    MLX90614Infrared Temperature Sensor. Object Temperature, Ambient Temperature


    What I Get
    INFLUXDirect Connection to Database. DOESNT WORK
    MQTTSend Data to Nodered in raspberry pi 3B+
    OTAAuto check for Update in raspberry pi server, webpage server for update
    I2C ScannerScans TCA9548 for devices and lists in Serial Port

View all 6 project logs

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