Some notable features include:
- An 18650 LiPo battery that also acts as the pin for the folding hinge mechanism
- A Solder Party BBQ20KBD keyboard mounted on a sliding rail mechanism
- An Arduino Pro Micro and USB hub board located under the keyboard that uses a 2-axis analog joystick to emulate a mouse, and two tac buttons for right and left click
- 10x programmable buttons mapped to GPIO and mounted around the primary display
- An Adafruit BME688 temperature, humidity, pressure and gas sensor, also calculates altitude
- An AMG8833 thermal imaging sensor
- Secondary flip-up 128x64 and 128x32 OLED displays with system stats and sensor readings
- A MAX30102 heart rate and blood oxygenation sensor
- A PA1010D GPS module
- A BNO085 9-DOF sensor (magnetometer, accelerometer, gyroscope)
- Three USB ports at the top that can be used for expansion dongles such as audio, Ethernet, SDR, etc.
- An Adafruit Zero Spy Camera module located on the back next to the thermal camera (Accessible via HTTP stream)
- An Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC
oooooh, I love the looks and vibe of this!