

Draw schematic diagrams using simple scripts from your browser.

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Writing documentation or teaching material involving circuit diagrams is often tedious work, especially if it needs to be done iteratively. SimpleCircuit is an application that runs in the browser and allows you to describe the circuit using a script, and it generates the wiring, symbols, etc. for you.

- Describe circuits by wire directions, SimpleCircuit will make everything fit.
- Supports many standard symbols.
- Symbols can be modified using variants and properties.
- Download SVG, PNG or JPG files. Scripts are stored inside SVG metadata so you can upload them again to continue working on them.

For more information, go to the Github Page ( and browse through the "Help" tab to find tutorials and demo's, a list of available components, etc.

The idea is that you can use scripts to create schematic diagrams. Something like circuitikz in LaTeX, but with a bit more solving power. Spacing is handled by defining minimum distances of wires and between components, and the tool will automatically calculate where everything needs to go.

  • Update to v1.8

    Sven12/04/2023 at 22:38 0 comments

    I did a short v1.7, but quickly upgraded to v1.8 as I realized that I wanted CSS to be defined from the same script as the schematic. So the style tab had to go.

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  • Update to v1.6 - Custom symbols

    Sven10/26/2023 at 14:57 0 comments

    I've spent my time working out a more elaborate system to support custom components. Now it is possible to define variants, label anchor points and labels more formally in XML format. It is possible to load XML files with a whole library of custom components that will show up like regular components in the help, intellisense, etc.

    This is incredibly useful for common graphical symbols that are rather specific to the environment that is being worked in. Libraries are loaded automatically from the browser local storage to make sure you don't need to re-upload everything all the time.

  • v1.4.x - addition of annotations

    Sven09/13/2023 at 20:44 0 comments

    The tool seems to be going great for writing up documentation. However, one thing we kept going back to inkscape for was adding boxes around parts of the circuit to annotate the circuit.

    So, v1.4 and onwards now has annotations. These will draw a box around components of your choosing, and will stretch and scale depending on your circuit diagram automatically. Check out the demo or Wiki on the github page for more information.

  • Update v1.2.5

    Sven07/20/2023 at 09:36 0 comments

    This time I spent some time on allowing flowcharts and entity-relationship diagrams. The results actually translated very well to modeling blocks, so their behavior changed as well.

    In essence, diagram blocks don't have pins on their own, but they automatically will be created and placed depending on the wire orientation. This means that you can come in or go out the diagram block from any direction, and the result will look nice.

    Some other changes:

    • Custom styles for shared links did not load correctly
    • Support rounded wires
    • Support for arcs in paths

    The following graph is also part of the demo's under the Help tab if you want to take a look.

  • Update to v1.2.4

    Sven06/30/2023 at 11:39 0 comments

    XML/SVG symbols have received some love now. Check the examples if you want to see a nice 7-segment display being used.

    We also discovered that the text of some users was being messed up. The reason was traced back to the locale of the user (using comma's instead of decimal dot). This messed up the SVG output causing text to behave very strangely.

    As an added bonus, there is also now a splitter between the editor and preview. Hope you like it!

  • Update 1.2.1

    Sven03/16/2023 at 07:52 0 comments

    Updated to version 1.2.1.

    Now also improved queued points, which makes it easier to make branches in schematics. It has saved me quite considerable amounts of time already.

    Also fixed a bug for incomplete wire definitions at the end of the script that would cause the app to hang.

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yOyOeK1 wrote 03/02/2023 at 12:40 point


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