
Team Besteam'z Project

lght saber

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This is a lightsaber. It is a blade version. We have decided to make a saber with a light strip in the back to light it up. It has a pommel and a handle that is shapely. It is super cool.

MATERIALS                                                                               PRICE

  • something to cut acrylic with (laser, jigsaw, ect)                : NA
  • 3D printer                                                                            : NA
  • PLA 3D printing filament (Color of your Choosing)           : $24.99
  • Neopixel Strips                                                                   : $12.99
  • Xiao RP2040                                                                      : $5.40
  • On/Off Click Switch                                                            : $10.90
  • Momentary Push Button                                                    : $8.99
  • 1/4 Inch Translucent Acrylic                                               : $14.99
  • 18650 Battery                                                                    : $3.99
  • LED Strip Light Connectors                                              : $9.99
  • Battery Charger Board/Battery Holder                            : $9.99
  • WAGO 221-415                                                                  : $9.49
  • Wires                                                                                 : $9.99
  • USB C Female Connector                                                : $8.99
  • USB C Cable                                                                     : $9.99
  • Double Sided Tape                                                          : $4.99
  • M4 Set Screw                                                       ...
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  • 1
    Gather Materials

    1. Purchase them.

    2. Wait for shipment.

    3. Open them.

  • 2
    1. First create the handle
      1. Make sure it is wide enough in the center so that the electronics sit inside
      2. Make sure the hole where the handle fits in is thick enough for the thickness of the glass but not so loose to have it fall out. 
      3. Make sure to also account for the backing that is larger and at the end of the blade that must also fit into the handle 
      4. To make the holes create an offset plane and create a hole to the circumference of the buttons
      5. Same with the charging port
      6. Make the inside threads
    2. Create the pommel
      1. Create offset planes for the details 
      2. Create the inside threads
    3.  Create the backing
      1. Create the backing so there is room for neo pixels
        1. Leave a little wiggle room
      2. Have it go in to then clamp on the blade
      3. Create holes for setting screws
  • 3

    Open the software for the 3D printer you are using

    1. Import the downloaded stl file
      1. To download go into fusion and click export and export as an stl
    2.  Change the color, add support, select the right plate
    3. Slice all files
    4. Download to a usb
    5. Print the pieces one at a time

View all 6 instructions

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Tristan wrote 03/25/2024 at 15:31 point

I know

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Elizabeth wrote 03/25/2024 at 15:54 point

shut up

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Tristan wrote 03/26/2024 at 15:36 point

your so mean :(

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Elizabeth wrote 03/20/2024 at 15:34 point

Guys this is so cool

  Are you sure? yes | no

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