
Weather Card

A solar weather display close to the size of a card!

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A solar weather display card!
The size is 12 cm by 6.5 cm and it has a little stand to stay up.
It's made with an ESP32 TTGO E-paper Board ( T5_V2.3_2.13 ), a little battery taken from an old vape and a little 5V 150ma solar panel.
The ESP32 check if the battery voltage is enough, connect to the wifi, get the weather data from OpenWeatherMap API, display it on the display and go to sleep for 15 min.


h - 6.86 kB - 06/08/2024 at 16:03



ino - 7.59 kB - 06/08/2024 at 16:03


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punkeek wrote 6 days ago point

unlimited power ,so cool!

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kristina panos wrote 06/11/2024 at 00:57 point

This is beautiful! I wrote it up for the blog and it should publish soon.

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BLANCHARD Jordan wrote 06/11/2024 at 16:34 point

Hi! Thanks for the nice blog post about it 😊

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CentyLab wrote 06/08/2024 at 18:01 point

Love the look. I like that the frame is soldered to the board!

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BLANCHARD Jordan wrote 06/11/2024 at 16:36 point

I love the "skeleton" style circuitry 😁

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