
Homebrew Digital Sampler in 1979

This article presents an actual operation and internal circuitry of my own Digital Sampler in 1979.

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This is a digital sampler that I built myself in 1979 when I was 19 years old. Nowadays, digital oscilloscopes are widely used, and it is usually easy to observe even single-shot phenomena. However, in 1979, most oscilloscopes were analog, and it was very difficult to observe single-shot phenomena. Oscilloscopes using CRTs with long afterglow were commercially available, but they were very expensive and almost impossible for individuals to purchase.
I decided to solve this problem in my own way and made this digital sampler by myself. It converted analog signals to digital, stored them in semiconductor memory, converted them back to analog signals, and displayed them on an analog oscilloscope. The fact that electronics magazines [1] at the time contained articles on the production of such a function and on DA conversion - AD conversion was a major impetus for my self-production. The circuit of this device is a mixture of circuits based on magazine articles and my original circuits.

1.  Overview

Figure 1 shows the appearance of this Digital Sampler and Table 1 shows the specifications. This device is the origin of my Homemade Successive Approximation Register ADC project (2021). The aluminum plates on the top and sides of the enclosure have been removed. The external dimensions without knobs and other protrusions are 150 mm x 200 mm x 265 mm. The analog oscilloscope on the right side shows the sampled waveforms. I recently posted a video of the internal configuration of this device on YouTube. And it was featured on Hackaday's top page blog. This article presents a video of the actual operation of this device and explains its internal circuitry. 

Fig. 1   Appearance of this Digital Sampler.

Table 1   Specifications of this Digital Sampler.

2.  Operation example

Video 1 below shows a basic operation example of this Digital Sampler. The input analog signal is the signal from the function generator on the left side of the screen. The analog signal is sampled and stored by the Digital Sampler and displayed on the analog oscilloscope on the right side of the screen. The 500 Hz input signal is sampled with a sampling period of 39 us. And we can see that the input attenuator and DC level adjustment changes the over-range LED display. And it can be seen that the signal level at the acquisition start point on the left end of the oscilloscope waveform changes as the trigger level is adjusted. Then, when the Write button is pressed, the stored signal waveform is displayed in steady state.

    Next, I will show how the display changes when the input signal frequency is increased from 500 Hz to 2 kHz and when the sampling rate of the Digital Sampler is slowed down. Furthermore, the frequency of the input signal move to set 24.5 kHz, which is almost the same as the sampling period. You can see that the alias phenomenon caused by the Nyquist theorem results in the display of a sine waveform that does not exist. The last part of the video shows sampling with square wave and ramp waveforms.

Video 1  Introduction of actual operation examples of the Digital Sampler.

(This video does not have audio commentary, so please turn on subtitles.)

3.  Circuit configuration

Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the entire circuit.

Fig. 2   Block diagram of the Digital Sampler.

First, the analog signal is adjusted to the appropriate amplitude with the 1-2-5 step attenuator on the panel knob. Then, the input amplifier board amplifies the signal with a gain of 50 times and performs sample & hold. The sample & hold is necessary because if the input voltage changes during AD conversion, the conversion result will not be correct. DC level adjustment of the signal, trigger detection and overrange detection are also performed on this board.

    Next, AD conversion to 8-bit values is performed on the SAR-ADC board, using a SAR (Successive Approximation Register) ADC as the AD conversion method. Since inexpensive monolithic IC AD converters were not common at that time, the SAR-ADC was made by myself using discrete circuits. The sampling period could be switched in 12 steps of 1-2-5. The fastest sampling period was 19.5us, and the Nyquist frequency was 26kHz. Therefore, waveforms are clearly visible up to a few kHz. No anti-aliasing filter is provided.

    After the 8-bit value of the AD conversion result is once stored in the memory IC, it is converted to an analog signal again by a DA converter and displayed on the oscilloscope. Here, the sampled signal is output on the Y-axis of the analog oscilloscope in XY mode, and the sawtooth waveform is output on the X-axis.

    If the trigger mode is set to automatic and the trigger level is adjusted to an appropriate value, the input analog signal is stored in memory from the moment it reaches that value. 256 samples later, the bright spot returns...

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The Digital Sampler and an analog oscilloscope.

JPEG Image - 1.89 MB - 06/30/2024 at 12:45



Wiring side of the Control board.

JPEG Image - 2.62 MB - 06/28/2024 at 22:04



Wiring side of the Memory & DAC board.

JPEG Image - 2.86 MB - 06/28/2024 at 22:03



Wiring side of the SAR-ADC board.

JPEG Image - 2.43 MB - 06/28/2024 at 22:01


  • 9 × LM301 Amplifier and Linear ICs / Operational Amplifiers
  • 1 × LM311 Amplifier and Linear ICs / Comparator ICs
  • 1 × LF356 Amplifier and Linear ICs / Operational Amplifiers
  • 1 × MC14011 Logic ICs / Gates and inverters
  • 4 × MC14013 Logic ICs / Flip-Flops, Latches, Registers

View all 12 components

  • Homebrew Digital Sampler in 1979 project log

    Mitsuru Yamada06/28/2024 at 14:41 0 comments

    1. The article was first posted on Jun. 28, 2024.

    2. Revised on Jun. 29, 2024.

         Corrected the mistake in Fig. 10 Circuit diagram of the Control board.

    3. Revised on Jul. 04, 2024.

         Added a X-axis and Y-axis waveforms figure FIG.9-1 to Chapter 4-3.

         Added a X-Y mode display figure  FIG. 9-2 to Chapter 4-3.  

    4. Revised on Jul. 05, 2024.

         Added links of the wiring side photos to the Chapter 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4.

    5. Revised on Jul. 08, 2024.

         Added the Table 1 of the specifications.

    6. Revised on Jul. 09, 2024.

         Added the Video 2 of the internal structure from various angles to the Chapter 3.

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rafununu wrote 06/29/2024 at 15:21 point

1979, the year I made my first synth with a 6800 !

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 06/30/2024 at 00:29 point

Thank you for your comment! After this homebrew, I started making a computer with 6802, #Prehistory of my homemade PERSEUS computers.

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